On Whom You Can Always Depend

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April 15th 1974

The twins were only a day old. They were absolutely perfect, much more than anything Roger and I ever imagined. We used Freddie and John as Aidans middle name, but we used May from Brian May and turned it into Mae for Elly. We wanted her to have two first names and her middle name would be the same as Rogers: Meddows. I already knew who I wanted to be their godparents.

When Elly Mae and Aidan were born, Roger went to go call Brian, Freddie and John. However he came back almost straight away. Turns out they had stayed the night in the hospital and slept in the waiting room. Because Roger told them to leave and they still had the kindness to stay, Roger felt incredibly guilty. I told them about their names being used for the babies.

"Brian, Freddie, John, we have something to tell you!" I said excitedly. Freddie and John looked up quickly from the cribs in which the babies lay. "Aidans name is Aidan Freddie John Taylor." I said. Freddie nearly started crying. "REALLY?!?!" he nearly screamed. I nodded. John was smiling and showing his teeth which was something he rarely did so I knew he was very happy with our choice of name for Aidan. Brian, however looked disappointed, because Aidan didn't get his name. I told him about Elly Mae and he came over and hugged me. "Megan thank you, thank you so much, for making me part of her life." Said Brian. "There's something else. Well we wanted John and Freddie to be Aidans godfathers and Brian to be Elly Mae's." Said Roger. The three boys looked just as shocked as each other. They all hugged me and they all hugged Roger too. When Brian hugged Roger it was slightly awkward because they still hadn't properly made up. However Roger hugged Brian very tightly, his way of showing everything was okay. "Brian, you're one of my best friends, let's just forget this okay?" Roger said. Brian nodded hugging Roger again. I looked over at Freddie. He was rocking Aidan back and forth in his arms. John was holding Elly. "Hey little man," said Freddie to Aidan who was sleeping. "I'm one of you godfathers, John is your other godfather, and I just want you to know that we love you so very much." Aidan squirmed in Freddies arms and Freddie smiled, as if squirming was Aidans way of replying. John didn't say anything to Elly. He just stood smiling at her, he was very shy and I didn't expect him to be that happy about being Aidans godfather but he seemed happy enough. Brian and Roger were talking and laughing like they used to. I sat on the hospital bed, looking around happily but feeling very lonely. Everyone was so happy and pre occupied with something else. I felt useless. Probably just hormones.

Freddie handed Aidan to me because he was going outside to smoke. John went with him even though he didn't smoke. Roger was going to go but he was trying to cut down on smoking so he stayed. Brian went to the coffee shop to bring us back some tea and coffee. It was just me and Roger now. I looked over at him. His eyes were very droopy and tired looking. He was slouched in his chair but he wasn't sleeping. He saw me looking and came over to sit on the bed beside me but he picked up Elly first from the crib. "Look at our two beautiful babies." He said, sounding amazed. "I know they're gorgeous aren't they?" I asked. "Very. Just like you." Said Roger. I smiled. Roger kissed my lips. "I love you and our children." He said. "Me too Megan, me too."

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