You Don't Know What It Means To Me

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"We're having a baby, Roger." "Oh my God." "Are you excited?" I asked. Rogers mouth was wide open and he looked very shocked. "Well, yeah, but are we not a bit young yet?" "Well we are but this will make us more mature don't you think?" Roger closed his mouth and he smiled, showing his teeth. "I'm very excited." He looked at my stomach, with a puzzled expression on his face. "Megan? Where's the bump?" He asked, obviously very confused. I laughed. "I'm only a few weeks gone, the bump won't show for a little while." "Oh." Was all Roger said. I smiled as I put my hand on my stomach and looked at Roger. Only Roger wasn't smiling anymore. "I have to tell my parents..." He said quietly. "Will they be happy?" I asked worriedly. "I hope so." He said, not sounding very convincing. A thought flashed through my head. I had to tell my parents too. I was hoping they wouldn't mind, only I could specifically remember my mother telling me to be careful as she conceived very early in life.

My husband went to the phone in the hall. He didn't dial straight away. I heard him muttering, as if he was practicing what he was going to say. Finally he picked up the phone, dialled the number, sighed and twisted the telephone cord around his finger while he waited for an answer. "Hello? Mum? Hi, it's Roger....We're good thanks....she's are you?.....oh wow that's fantastic!...really? Wow....yeah...mum..
I have news....big not yet..we're releasing it next
....mum...Megan's pregnant..." I heard a long pause. "Mum?" Roger said into the phone. Nothing. She had hung up. Roger rang again but his mother refused to answer. Roger put the phone down and walked back into the kitchen. He sat at the table and put his head in his hands. "What am I going to do...?" He whispered as he shook his head. "I'm so sorry Roger." I said quietly. Roger looked up. "What are you talking about?" He said, his voice laced with annoyance. "I..I don't know....sorry for getting pregnant....I suppose..." I realised how stupid I sounded. "Megan, if my mother can't accept the fact that you and me are having a baby, then that's her problem because I want this baby more than she will ever know, more than anyone will ever know. This baby means the world to me and for her to not be happy with that, it frustrates me so much. I don't care what she thinks, good or bad. We're having this baby and thats final." Roger said. I walked over to him and gave him a kiss on the lips. He was so sweet. "I suppose I better tell my mother now..." I said. "Hopefully she takes it better than mine." Said Roger, sadly. I really hoped she would. It would change our lives so much. I don't know what I would do if my mother couldn't accept it. I proceeded to ring my mother. When I told her the news I heard her cry, and then call all of my family to the hall to tell them while they congratulated me. "What did young Meddows' mother say or have you told her yet?" My mother asked after everyone had calmed down. I looked around for Roger. He was leaning against the door frame of the kitchen door. "Um, she wasn't very pleased..." I muttered. "Oh that's a shame. Why don't I call her and convince her?" My mother asked. "Oh no mum that's quite alright than-" I was cut off by my mother hanging up. "Oh god...." I said putting the phone down. Roger rushed over to me and placed his hands gently on my non existent bump. "Is the baby okay?" Asked Roger. "Its fine," I said. "Only my mum is calling yours to try and get her to come around about the baby!" Roger just laughed. "Well mum won't like that." I was very concerned. My mother would most likely put Rogers mother off the thought of the baby. Still I was happy my mum was doing her best. She was very happy. At least. Now all we had to do was convince Rogers mum. If it could even be done....

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