Sweetest Sight Ever Seen

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*13th of June 1978*

It had been a few weeks since the trial and I hadn't heard anything else from Ben so I finally felt at ease. I still couldn't get over how he had actually done what he had. He just..... slammed on the brakes.... killed my child..... I would never get my head around it. The mind of a killer is not one to be understood.

With Ben out of the picture, finally, I could start getting my life back on track. When Luke was old enough I would go back to work, but for now, I stayed home while Roger went to the studio. He and I were exceptionally close once again and it felt great. He was always looking out for me and making sure I was okay.

Roger came home every evening and kissed me on the forehead then picked the kids up one by one and kissed them too. It felt lonely and quiet without him during the day but when he came home in the evenings, the house would be full of life once again. I thanked God everyday that I had the kids with me because without them I would feel so lonely and sad.

That evening Roger came home and slammed the door closed and hung his coat up. I was out in the kitchen giving the kids their dinner when I heard him slam the door, making me jump. He came into the kitchen, opened the fridge, grabbed a bottle of beer and plopped on a chair and took a large gulp of drink. I frowned slightly as Roger went funny when he drank.

"Hi daddy." Said Elly quietly as she was expecting her kiss from him. Roger didn't reply.

"Roger!" I said, annoyed that he never answered. "What?" He asked, irritated. "Whats wrong with you today?" I asked. "Nothing." He mumbled.

I sighed and took the kids up to bed and tucked them in. "Mummy," said Aidan. "Why is daddy being weird today?" "I'm not sure Aidan. He'll be okay in the morning. Now go to bed and get some sleep."

I turned off the light and closed their door and headed back downstairs to Roger.

"That wasn't very nice Roger." I said once I came back into the kitchen. I saw he was sitting down with his head on the table. "Whats wrong?" I asked, using a less harsh tone. He lifted his head. "Oh I don't know. I have massive writers block right now... I have no ideas for this new album. Brian and Freddie are writing lots of songs and I have nothing."

I sat beside him and Roger put his head back down and I rubbed his hair. "Dont worry about it Roger."

He sat like this for a while until he sat back up and put his arms out to me. I got on his lap and he wrapped his arms around me. I kissed his lips and caressed his cheek. "Write about something you feel passionate about." I told him as he stared off into the distance. I heard Luke crying from upstairs and I got off Rogers knee but he sat me down onto another chair and headed upstairs himself. I smiled as I was so tired.

Roger came back downstairs, holding little Luke against his chest and then handing him to me. He was still so tiny because he was born early. I sat with him in my arms, rocking him back and forth as Roger sat across from me, smiling.

I brought Luke up to our room and put him in his crib. I stood at his crib for a few minutes, just looking at him because I felt so protective of him. Roger came into the room and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and spoke into my ear. "I went into the kids and said sorry." He said. "Did they hear you?" I asked. "Yeah, Elly wasn't asleep until I said sorry."

I turned around and kissed Rogers lips. "You're such a great dad." I told him. He looked down. "No I'm not." I rolled my eyes.

I got into bed and Roger followed me, wrapping his arm around me as I lay on his chest. "Goodnight." I mumbled. "Night night." He said, turning off the nearby lamp. I could feel his chest rise and fall as he slept and I felt an unusual comfort because of this.

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