My Sweeter Half Instead

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I woke up the next morning to sound of Elly shrieking.

I Immediately ran out of bed and into her room, to make sure she was okay. I saw she had her hand clasped over her right eye.

"Elly, what's wrong?" I asked.

"Mummy, my eye hurts....!" She cried.

I pulled her hand away and saw her eye was red and irritated. She had a small yellow dot in the middle of her pupil too.

"Uhhhh... Roger!?" I called, hoping he would be some help.

He drowsily walked into the kids' room. "What's wrong..?" He asked, rubbing his eyes like a little child. It made my heart melt.

"Elly's eye is sore.."

"Oh... eh.... what do we do?" He asked.

"I don't know."

"Let's just give her the medication the doctor gave us and see if it helps?"

"Yeah... that's a good idea.." I said.

Roger ran downstairs and got Ellys medicine, which she took and then slowly started to drift off.

Roger took my hand. I was worridely looking at Elly.

"C'mon, babes, let's go back to bed. It's  5 a.m..."

I turned and he put his arm around me. "Don't worry. She'll be fine. We'll bring her to the hospital if it gets any worse."

I nodded and got back into bed beside Roger. My eyes started to close and before I knew it, I was fast asleep...

About an hour or so later, I woke again. To my surprise, Roger wasn't in the bed beside me. I got up and checked on the kids; they were still asleep.

He wasn't in the bathroom or the living room, so I assumed he was in the kitchen.

And there he was, on his knees.

My first instinct was that he was in pain.

"Roger..?" I called out fearfully.

He looked up. And smiled. I breathed a sigh of relief. "What are you doing?" I asked.

"I've decided that I cannot take no for an answer. Please. Marry me again."

I smiled at his determination. I walked over to him and kneeled down too.

"I'd love to Rog...but we don't have the money right now. The kids still have big school fees. And Elly's treatment costs a lot of money."

He put his hands on my neck.

"Okay. I understand. But promise me you'll marry me again."

"I promise you."

"Good." He smiled.

We both stood up and Roger got the kids up. Elly was no longer complaining about her eye and the irritation had gone down. The eye was a weird thing.

We all sat at the kitchen table, eating breakfast, laughing at Luke walking and trying to say Aidan, which was a jumble of letters, saying "Aayiinn" or something along the lines of that.

Aidan and Elly were in stitches laughing at their little brother. I laughed too as they both had such funny, hearty laughs.

But what caught my eye was the look on Rogers face. He was smiling at them, a real proud smile, a loving smile.

His eyes met mine and he smiled goofily at me and I burst out laughing.

I had to drop Aidan to school that day, but Elly wouldn't be going because the doctor told us she would be better off at home until they had reduced the tumour.

I got a call when I came home from the school. It was from Brian. He told me he would be over in a few minutes, seeing as he had just landed in London.

A few minutes later there was a knock at the door and Roger answered it.

"Roger..." Brian said, "What are you doing here?"

Roger didn't say anything.

"Are you guys back together now?"

Roger didn't say anything again.

"Congrats man! I'm really happy for you guys!" He said, and I walked into the room and saw Brian and Roger hugging.

Just then Elly came running down the stairs and jumped into Brians arms.

"Bian!" She shouted. She was able to say "Brian" now, but she insisted on calling him "Bian."

"Ah there's the little girl!" He exclaimed, hugging her.

"Shouldn't you be at school?" He said, putting her down.

Elly was about to say something but I interrupted her.

"Elly, why don't you go upstairs and have a lie down and I'll get one of your friends over later?"

"Okay!" She said, cheerfully.

Brian looked at me weirdly. I motioned for him to follow me and Roger into the kitchen and we all sat down at the table.

"We need to tell you something Brian." Roger said.

"What's wrong?"

"Elly has cancer..." I told him.

"Cancer.... where?"

"The eye." Roger said.

"Oh my God. Is she okay?"

"Its not terminal... but it might cause some vision problems." I said.

"Guys I'm so sorry..." he told us.

"Does she have to get any treatment? Cause if she does then I'll pay for it." Brian said.

"Nonsense." Said Roger.

"Yeah Brian, don't worry about it. We've got it all under control. But thank you. A lot."

"We've got other news too..." said Roger.

"Please tell me it's good." Brian mumbled.

"No.. not really." Roger swallowed.

"I've got Alcohol Liver Disease."

Brian's face stayed in a stunned expression for a few minutes until the realization sunk in.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine. It's not life threatening and we've got treatments and stuff. Just thought you should know. And I can't drink a lot anymore."

"Wow, guys, all this bad news, it must be having a really bad impact... but just know I'm always here for you."

"We appreciate it Brian." I said.

"Well, to add to the bad news, I guess I'll tell you what I came here for."

"See, Freddie just broke up with one of his boyfriends, a really abusive one. And now he's always drunk, always coked up and he's just not in a good way. Seeing as I've only got two bedrooms in my house.... I was wondering if he could stay here... with you guys. Just until he gets back on his feet."

"Yeah of course." I said. "How bad is he?"

"Not very good at all. He's struggling. His boyfriend bit him here." Brian said, pointing to the space in between his thumb and forefinger.

"Ouch..." Roger mumbled.

"So is that okay with you guys?" Brian asked.

"Yeah it's fine. We're glad to help." Roger said.

"Great," Brian said, standing up. "Well he'll be home tomorrow and he'll probably get a taxi here. But be careful, he's hard to handle."

Brian walked out the door with a wave goodbye and Roger and I looked at each other with worried expressions. What had we gotten ourselves into?

A/N: so I've decided to add some Freddie into this story for big Freddie fans! Anything you want to see happen with Freddie, leave a suggestion. Love you all.

~QueenTaylor39 ♡

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