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This is just too adorable. I love it. I think I'm going to keep going with this idea though. Like early relationship moments as they're realizing things about each other that they never noticed before. Let me know if you like that idea! Thanks so much for the votes! 


My eyes flutter open as I stretch out my sleepy body. I look over to see that Baz isn't there. I nearly go in to panic mode until I hear some noises out in the kitchen and realize that he's probably just making breakfast. I start to make a move to get out of bed but suddenly pause.

Maybe if I pretend to be asleep... breakfast in bed.

I shrug my shoulders and cuddle up under the covers again. Not five seconds after I close my eyes, they snap open again.

What the hell is that noise?

There's a soft humming sound. It's...nice. But what is it? I peel off the covers and start to search the entire bedroom for whatever it is.

Radio? No. TV? No. Phone? No.

Feeling utterly perplexed, I shuffle out in to the kitchen to greet Baz. I come to an abrupt halt in the doorway. Baz is mid flip on a pancake, his back turned to me.

He's humming.

After what feels like ages of dumbfounded gaping, he finally turns around. He startles when he see's me.

"Crowley, how long have you been standing there?" He says with a hand on his chest. "You scared the crap out of me, Snow."

I can't force words out of my mouth. After several silent moments, Baz raises his eyebrows to me, as if prompting me to speak.

"W-were you..." I stutter. "Humming?"

"Oh, I guess I was. I don't even notice it anymore," Baz says, simply. "It's just a habit. Does it bother you?"

Does it bother me? Crowley, I've never been more attracted to him in my entire life.

I feel my face of shock begin to crumble and break in to a dumb grin. Sliding on the linoleum floor towards him, I begin to laugh.

"Baz, of course it doesn't bother me," I wrap my arms around his waist and feel his hands creep up my back. "It makes me fall for you even harder."

The last thing I see before going in for a kiss is a broad smile spreading over my boyfriend's face. I press my forehead to his.

"Anything else I should know?" I jokingly ask.

He chuckles.

"Give it time, my love."

Snowbaz One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now