Surprise Gone Wrong

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Hello! Sorry it's been so long since I've updated. I'm running out of ideas here guys! I know that I definitely will have another update this week though... Anyway, enjoy! It's a good one. ;)

Also it's my 50th chapter! Woohoo!! Love you guys <3


Baz's POV

My heart drops to the floor as I hear keys rattle on the other side of the door. I take a few steps back and wait as the door swings open. Next thing I know, a fist is approaching my face at lightning speed. The plan had been so simple. How on earth did I mess it up so badly? All I did was come home a day early from my parents' to surprise Simon. Yet here I sit, blood gushing out of my nose and on to the carpet of Simon's hallway.

"What the fuck, Simon?!" I hear myself yelling, trying desperately to stop the blood flowing out my nose.

I glance up at a shell shocked Simon, standing with his mouth and eyes wide open, frozen in position. After a few moments, he sinks to the ground and clutches my arm.

"Baz! I'm so sorry! Hold on..." He bolts out of the room and comes back with a roll of paper towels and an ice pack. I gladly take the ice and place it gently on my bruised nose, while Simon wipes at the blood on my face and clothing.

"Surprise, I guess..." I mumble through the heavy ice pack weighing down my face.

"What?" He asks, his paper towel dropping from my face.

"It was a surprise, Simon... I told you I wouldn't be home until tomorrow. It went well, huh?" I can't help the edge lining my voice.

"Oh," Simon groans, shifting to sit beside me against the wall. "I didn't even think about that. I was too busy punching you to even realize that you weren't supposed to be here."

I chortle sarcastically and Simon narrows his eyes at me.

"Hey, don't be like that. It's not like I punched you on purpose, Baz! I didn't expect to find anyone here, in MY apartment, so of course my natural instinct was to injure the unidentified person who was standing in my hallway. You're not allowed to play the victim this time."

My face scrunches up and I consider questioning his obvious insinuation that I apparently always "play the victim", but decide against it. Instead, I pick up a paper towel and wipe at the drying blood on my chin. Just as I'm getting started, Simon grabs it out of my hand.

"Let me do that," He holds the ice with one hand and mops my face with the other. At least I know that he feels bad. "Does it feel okay?"

About ten different sarcastic comebacks play through my mind before I can bring myself to simply mutter, "It's been better."

"I'm really sorry, you know. I really didn't mean to. Not that I should even have to tell you that I didn't mean to," He stops and looks me in the eyes, mere centimeters from my face. "I love you, Baz. I couldn't have done this on purpose if I tried. Believe me, I could never hurt you."

Now the ice pack slips out of his grasp and his lips are on mine. As lovely as it is, I can't help but wince in pain as his nose grazes my bloody one. He pulls back immediately.

"Jeez, I'm sorry," Simon says, replacing the ice pack on my injury.

"I know you are," I whisper. For a good ten seconds, we only stare at each other. Though this may not be what I planned, I have to believe that it could have gone way worse. And really, besides my throbbing nose leaking like a faucet all over my boyfriend's carpet, this hasn't been too terrible.

"Baz?" Simon mutters, piercing the silence but never breaking eye contact.

"Yeah?" My voice cracks.

"To the hospital?"

"To the hospital."

I take over the icing of my nose and Simon helps me stand up, making sure that I'm steady before letting go of my waist. He grips my hand until we get to the car. I can't decide whether it's because he's nervous that I'll faint from pain or because he feels bad for what he did... I land on both by the time he's helping me get in to the car. While driving, he occasionally glances at me out of the corner of his eye. It almost becomes a game. I catch him looking at me, so I look at him. We must go through that cycle at least ten times before we pull in at the hospital.

After filling out tediously detailed paperwork in the waiting room, an x-ray is taken of my nose and it's determined that my nose isn't broken but is severely bruised. After jokingly teasing Simon at the expense of his strength ("You're not even strong enough to break a nose!"), we walk out of the building hand in hand.

"Sorry I ruined your surprise, Baz..." Simon mumbles.

"You didn't ruin it," I squeeze his clammy hand reassuringly.

"Baz, I almost broke your nose. I ruined it."

"No, you didn't. You just made it a surprise for both of us."

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