The Ferris Wheel

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Hello... sorry I literally disappeared for like two months... I just lost motivation. We went on vacation once school ended and I told myself that I would get back in to the swing of updating regularly when we got back, but then I just... didn't. I wrote this like a month ago and didn't think it was good enough to post. Enjoy. Hope you guys are well. <3

Also, huge thanks for 30k reads! It really means a lot. :))


Simon's POV

"Come on, go with me. It's not even that high!" Baz insists. I roll my eyes with a groan.

"It's not that high to you, my dearest. To someone who's deathly afraid of heights it's a bit of a different story..." I pause. He glares at me. "Can't we just go get more candy floss?"

"Crowley, Simon. If you have any more of that crap you're going to go in to sugar shock. Cool it with the candy floss."

"Listen. This shitty attitude-" I gesture in his general direction. "Is not helping your case as to why I should go on that thing." I point to the ferris wheel.

Baz grabs my arm and pulls me to a nearby bench, muttering, "Fine. I'm being a bit of a dick, I'll give you that. I just really want to go on the wheel together. You'll love it once you're up there, I promise!" He can sense my discomfort, so he continues. "What if... What if I promised to protect you? I mean, it's not like there's any danger or anything up there, but what if you could squeeze my hand as hard as you can when you get scared? You could literally use me as a shield if it'll make you feel better. Just please go with me. Please." He clutches my hand, practically pleading now. I roll my eyes jokingly.

"God, how on Earth do you manage to win me over every single time?"

"Does that mean you'll do it?" He asks eagerly.

I slump down low on the bench and mutter, "Yeah, I'll do it..."

With that, Baz forcefully pulls me up from the bench and drags me over to the line for the wheel. My hands are shaking so badly that Baz keeps glancing over at me, clearly concerned. I avoid eye contact with him at all costs. My stomach grumbles more and more the closer we get to the front of the line. The mounds of candy floss sit in my stomach like a rock. When it's finally our turn, Baz releases my hand. I wipe it on my jeans.

Baz's POV

I feel kind of bad. I didn't realize how scared he is. I thought he was just being dramatic back there, but he hasn't said a word or even looked at me since he agreed to it. Before I brought it up, he hadn't shut up all day.

As the pimply teenager with a carnival uniform pulls the lap bar down for us, I can physically feel Simon tense even more. He's breathing unsteadily and shortly. The worker turns away from us, but quickly doubles back.

"Uh..." He says in a gravelly and awkward voice. "Is he okay?" He points to Simon.

I glance over to Simon, who doesn't react in the slightest to the guy. I nod.

"Y-yeah, he's fine."

He doesn't look convinced, so I force a fake smile on my face for added effect. The worker turns away reluctantly.

In just a few seconds, the seat that the two of us are sharing begins to rise slowly in to the air. Simon takes a sharp intake of breath. Okay. I'm worried now. Carefully, I place my hand on to his. He jumps.

"Simon..." I gulp. "Are you okay?"

His lip begins to quiver. Tears are quickly forming in his eyes. He shakes his head back and forth ever so slightly, building up until he's rapidly signaling no.

"No, no, no, no, I'm not okay, Baz. I'm not okay. I know this is stupid, but I'm terrified of heights and I can't do this." He continues to babble on until I can't understand a word he's saying.

"Hey, hey, stop! Stop, Simon, it's okay." I turn towards him and gently pull his head down to rest on my shoulder, so he can't see as we quickly rise higher and higher.

I hold him there, occasionally shushing him gently or rubbing his back for several minutes. He calms down much quicker than I thought he might. His heaves turn in to deep breaths. It takes me a few moments to even notice that we've stopped for the final time, at the very top of the wheel.

"H-hey... Simon? Just... just take a look for me. For me."

He unsurely peeks one eye out. A gasp immediately erupts from him. He sits up taller, snaking his arm around mine and clutching my hand.

"Oh..." He mutters in wonderment, his eyes impossibly large.

In front of us is a crystal blue lake, boats haphazardly strewn throughout. The ripples that they leave behind look incredible from up here for some reason. Above us, six hot air balloons dot the sky. Though their order is seemingly random, their pattern looks rhythmic somehow. Like there's a reason to its existence. Just for us to see it. Even the clouds look extra pearly white and fluffy for some reason. It reminds me of Simon's candy floss from earlier. He squeezes my hand tightly.

"Hey, Baz?" Simon whispers sweetly.

"What?" I whisper back.

"Thank you."

I giggle slightly and follow it up with a dreamy sigh.

"Sure thing, Simon." 

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