Tell Me What To Do

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So I know that I said the baby chapters were over but... Enjoy. :) 

(Also, I updated my other snowbaz story last night if you'd be so kind as to take a look for me!!) 


Simon's POV

"BAZ!" I scream in to the phone, my hands quivering.

"...Yes, Simon?" I ignore the sarcasm lining his voice.

"Baz, I'm panicking," I gulp and continue on, my voice shaking. "It's Natasha. I think she's probably fine but..." In the mere moments that I stop speaking, Baz gets impatient.

"What's wrong with her? I'm coming home right now. Is she okay?!"

"She's really hot, her face is flushed, she won't stop crying, and I can just tell that something is off. Please just tell me what to do because I'm scared and alone and I need your help and –"

He shushes me and I immediately stop my babbling.

"Listen, Simon. Take some deep breaths," I do. I can hear him doing the same thing through the phone. "Now. I'm sure she's fine. It sounds like she may just have a fever or something. Here's what I want you to do. Call the pediatrician and let her know what's going on and that we may stop by, and take Nat's temperature with the thermometer that's in the bathroom cabinet. I'm leaving the store right now and I'll be home in twenty minutes."

I take another heaving breath before speaking.

"Thank you," My voice is cracked and breathy. "I'll do all of those things and I'll see you soon."

"Okay, love. Are you sure you're okay? I can hang up?"

"Yeah, I think so. I'm good. Just come home, please."

He chuckles and says, "I will. See you soon, Simon."

We say our goodbyes and hang up the phone. I immediately slip it in to my pocket and run to the bathroom to get the thermometer. Whipping back in to the living room, I pick up Nat and bounce her up and down slightly in my arms, balancing her on my hip. I take her temperature and the thermometer reads that Nat has a 102 fever. I sigh, and call the pediatrician. As soon as I get a hold of someone, Baz hurriedly strides through the front door. After a quick kiss for me, he takes Nat from my arms and coos over her while I talk to the pediatrician.

"She says we can come in to the office," I mutter, putting my phone down.

Baz nods. I now walk over to the two of them and join in the cuddles. I snake one arm around Baz's waist and the other instinctively goes up to stroke Nat's back. As we huddle in close to each other, I begin to plant gentle kisses on Nat's reddened cheeks.

"It's okay. It's all okay," Baz whispers. I can't tell if he's talking to me or the baby. "You did the right thing you know," He says, looking at me now.

"I know I did," I shrug my shoulders. "It was just scary."

"It's natural to be scared, dear. You did what you had to do and that's all that matters in the end," He says, smiling at me, pityingly. "Now, let's go get you checked out, Little Puff." His voice shifts to sound sweet and syrupy as he speaks to Nat.

My chest warms as I turn away and get ready to leave, smiling for the first time in a while.

Baz and I shut our car doors as lightly as possible when we get back in to go home. Nat has already fallen asleep in her car seat. We've just learned that it's nothing serious. Nat only has an ear infection and a slight fever. We ride home in silence. After putting the baby in to her crib and settling in to our own bed, I finally break the silence.

"I wonder if it'll always be that scary. When she's sick, I mean."

"Well, love..." Baz ponders. "I wish that I could tell you that it'll get easier, but I honestly don't think that it will. I'm pretty certain that that girl could be in her mid thirties and we'll still be a nervous wreck whenever she has so much as the sniffles. It comes along with parenting, my dear."

There are a few moments of silence, where there's only shared gazing.

"I love you," I smirk.

"And I love you too, Simon," He looks away for a moment. "We're doing a great job, you know."

"Yeah," I peck him on the nose. "I know we are."

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