The Baby (Part 2)

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Hi friends! So what I've decided is that tomorrow the third and final part of this series will be uploaded, but I'm sure that I'll occasionally upload another baby chapter just because it's adorable. This one is when they bring her home for the first time. Enjoy! :3


Simon's POV

Bringing Natasha home for the first time is, in a word, terrifying. It's safe to say that Baz and I have both already fallen deeply in love with her and want to do everything in our power to keep her safe. The moment we walk out of the hospital, baby carrier in Baz's hand and bags in mine, it hits me that we're on our own now. No more nice nurses and doctors who know what they're doing. Nope. Just us and Natasha.

After spending far too long trying to hook the car seat in to place, we stop and simply look at each other. Instead of addressing the obvious fact that we're both completely daunted, I mumble, "I'm, uh... I think I should probably sit in the back. Just in case I guess."

"Good idea, love," Baz nods.

He turns to walk away towards the driver's side, but doubles back and picks up both of my hands.

"It's going to be okay, you know that, right?" He says gently. I nod, still slightly unsure. "We're going to figure this all out on together, okay? We're ready. I promise." He kisses my forehead, gives my hands a squeeze, and gets in to the car.

As Baz drives us home, I never take my eyes off of Natasha the entire time. She's been sleeping since we left the hospital. I can't even fathom how much I love her already. Every once in a while, she stirs slightly or makes an adorable sound that makes my chest feel warm. When we're nearly home, I break the silence.

"Hey, Baz?"

"Yeah, love?"
"Do you think that we could call her Nat?" His eyes dart up at me through the rearview mirror. "I love the name Natasha but... I feel like she's more of a Nat. Is that okay?"

"Nat," He tries. "Yeah. I like that, too." He nods, his messy hair bouncing adorably.

When we pull in the driveway, I carry Nat in to the house while Baz grabs all of the bags. The entire day is spent in a constant cycle. Feed, burp, change, sleep. Feed, burp, change, sleep. It's strange, of course. When it's rounding 7pm, we put Nat in her crib (that's currently living in Baz's and my bedroom). Back in the kitchen with the baby monitor, we collapse on to each other at the exact same time. We stand there, holding each other and swaying for several minutes before Baz breaks the silence.

"Is it weird that I miss her right now?"

I chuckle and say, "No. I think that was part of the deal. We love her more than anything and miss her more than anything when she's not here. Even if she's just sleeping in the next room."

"I think you're right," Baz murmurs in to my shoulder. "I never thought that I could love anything or anyone just as much as I love you. But here we are."

He lifts his head from my shoulder to reveal watery eyes. Just as I open my mouth to speak, Natasha begins to wail. We smile to each other and start down the hallway, hand in hand.

"18 years 'til college," Baz jokes.

I chuckle. This is going to be a long journey. But together, I'm sure that it will fly by all too quickly. 

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