Chapter One

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Chris P.o.v

The limo pulled up to a big fancy ass house, I ain't never ridden in no limo before. I got out and the boys got out with me out we all gawked at the big ass house in front of us, it was a huge change from the dusty orphanage we're used to.

"Chris how come they didn't tell us this family was loaded?" Langston said I shrugged still looking at the building.

When some guys came out and went to the back they got our bags, "Aye what you doing?" I said.

The guy didn't respond he just grabbed our bags and swiftly moved into the house

Two people came out the house holding a little boy; they both came and stood in front of us.

"Hello I'm Monica and this is my husband Shannon, and this is our little boy Tristan." She said. The boy looked up and smiled at me, I tried smiling back but the thing is I don't smile so it probably looked like a scowl.

"Yeah, I'm Justin where do I sleep?" he said, Shannon pointed in the house and Justin walked inside following behind some butler looking nigga.

"I'm sorry for him, he's an ass. I'm Julian by the way, this is Langston and Chris" Julian said introducing us, because he knew me and Langston don't do introduction.

"Nice to meet you, come on I know you don't want to stand out here all day in the hot sun" Monica said. We followed her in the house and it was so big, I knew we were probably gawking but shit like I said we ain't never had anything like this other than Justin he was probably use to this but I know for a fact that I haven't had anything like this before

Monica walked over to this speaker thing and she pressed the button, "Alecie get down here I told you they were coming" she said and release the button.

Moments later an angry voice answered her back, "I'm coming"

Monica sat Tristan down and he instantly walked over to me, Langston was looking around probably seeing what he could get and sell while Julian was talking to one of the maids.

He lifted his hand up motioning for me to pick him up, I glared at him. I don't do kids, he must didn't get the memo cause he still reached. I picked him up and he smiled again, I don't smile this kid was going to have to learn that

"I don't smile kid" I said to him, he nodded and then he started playing with my hat.

I rolled my eyes; this is why I don't do kids they always touching shit.

"Ok, where are they?" a voice said, Tristan squirmed trying to get out of my hand I put him down and he ran to a girl who was coming down the stairs. When she saw him she lifted him up and spun him around, I couldn't help the scowl that was on my face. Look at them being a big happy family, too bad they fucked up by adopting us.

Alecie P.o.v

When I was heading out my room I bumped into a boy, he had curly hair and his chest was hard as fuck how do I know because when I bumped into it I was knocked over.

"Damn!" I yelled, he glared down at me and I glared up at him he isn't going to intimidate me. He got life fucked up this my house; I got up and dusted my pants off.

"You know where I sleep?" he snapped

I shrugged giving him a once over, he was cute "What's your name?" I said.

"Justin" he said looking me up and down, I placed my hand on my hip and pointed in the direction behind me

"Two doors down on your left" I said turning around he nodded and kept walking, I scoffed.

"No thank you or nothing, well fuck you too then" I said walking down the rest of the hall.

When I got to the steps I took a deep breath, "Okay where are they?" I said.

Little feet came running towards me and I looked down to see Tristan.

I picked him up and spun him around because I know he likes shit like that, "Alecie these are the boys I was telling you about" Monica said.

I looked up and saw three boys, all of them were my age and they were covered in tattoos. Is this bitch serious? She couldn't have picked any other boys that didn't look like they were going to steal everything we owned.

Instead of voicing my thoughts I gave them all a tight smile, I don't really like meeting new people.

"Hello, I'm Alecie but everyone calls me Bubbles or B"

One boy out of the three came up to me and introduces them all to me.

I found out that the one who introduced them was Julian he was very hyper, I didn't like that shit he is going to have to take that down a couple of notches.

Then you have the boy with the big lips, his name was Langston I didn't like the way he was looking at me. I have a feeling I'm going to have a problem with him.

Then you had the quietest that was glaring at everything in my house, his name was Chris. Fuck is his problem? He is intruding my living space, not the other way around.

"Nice meeting you" I said and was about to walk out of the room with Tristan but Monica stopped me.

"Alecie can you show them to their rooms" she said I turned and looked at her like she was crazy.

"That wasn't a part of the plan you said to introduce myself I never agreed to that" I said and she gave me a look

"Alecie don't argue with me just do as I say they are a part of this family now and you will treat them as such" she said and walked over to me getting Tristan and walking out the room indicating that she was done with the conversation.

I looked at Shannon and he shrugged following behind her, I rolled my eyes and looked at the boys.

"Come on, so we can get this over with" I mumbled and walked upstairs with them in tow.


Picture of Alecie (Alexi) on side

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