Chapter Forty-Four

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I ran down the steps taking two at a time, when I saw Mama Langston I screamed.

"MAMA LANGSTON!!" I said and ran to hug her.

She was sitting in a wheelchair so it was difficult but that didn't really stop me.

She looked good, her hair was gone but that didn't stop her from looking beautiful she must have done her makeup because her face wasn't as pale as it usually was.

"Hey, my baby I wish Langston would have told me earlier I would have gotten ore fixed up" she said and closed her jacket which showed off her hospital gown.

I smiled, "Girl you ain't got to be ashamed around us you family" I said.

She smiled and it looked like been eyes were watering, she looked at Langston and he grabbed her hand.

"Come on ma let's give get you cleaned up" he said and walked behind the chair and wheeled her up the stairs.

Someone knocked on the door and u ran to it, Uncle Richard was standing there

"Don't just stand there ladybug either give me a hug or step aside"

I wrapped my arms around his waist and he hugged me and kissed my forehead.

Justin (Because so many people asked)

We began to sit down and I sat in my regular seat and Alecie sat beside me so Langston Mom could sit by him. Uncle Richard sat beside Chris and Marie sat between Julian and Chris

"Hey buddy!" Alecie said and hugged me, I glared down at her but she just smiled up at me.

"You know you love me" she said and squeezed me tighter.

"Let me go, Why aren't you sitting by ya boyfriend?" I asked her pushing her off of me.

"Because I wanted to sit by my best friend duh!" she said hitting my shoulder.

I glared at her; damn she can be annoying as fuck.

"Will you shut up" I said, she held her hand on her heart.

"But Justin I thought we had a bond I'm hurt" she said.

I rolled my eyes, "You're very annoying you know that?"

She let out a humph and sat back in her chair and crosses her arms.

Soon food started coming out and after we said grace we began to eat, "So how were you guy's trip?" Mya asked as she began to eat her food.

And that is where Julian and Marie decided to tell her everything that happened the only way both of them could, very fast and very annoying.

I groaned, "Dear lord don't let them ever have kids together"

Alecie laughed, "Can you imagine the both of them in one child bouncing of the walls"

I smile and shook my head biting into my chicken.

Alecie gasped, "Ooohh I gots a smile"

I rolled my eyes, "Don't ruin it" I mumbled

She mock saluted me and I shook my head but still smiled a little. I swear she has some issues.

The rest of dinner was filled with jokes and laughs and mostly me and Alecie talking about everybody as they eat.

She was making voices for Chris as he ate and it made me choke a nigga almost died!

Soon dessert was served and I picked over it.

"I fucking hate chocolate!" Alecie mumbled.

I nodded, "Me too" she looked at me and smiled.

"Team No Chocolate!" she said and held bet fist up. I stared at it and she inched it towards me, I rolled my eyes and hit my fist with hers.


I made sure ma has enough food because she was getting really skinny and I know she is all depressed about her hair and her withdrawal is a bitch. I wheeled her to the car and helped her in; I placed her wheelchair in the trunk before walking back to her window.

I handed her the leftover bag to take back to the hospital and she sat it in her lap.

"Thanks baby, I can't wait to eat this! I had a great time too, your family is great" she said.

I can tell she was getting teary eyed and I can't blame her it's a touchy subject for both of us.

She placed her hand on my cheek, "You've grown up to be such a fine young man Langston and I'm sorry I missed a lot of it but I think is was best because look at you now"

I rested my head in the palm of her hand, "I also needed you ma"

She stroked my cheek, "Well I'm here now and I'm not going anywhere baby. I love you, Langston"

I looked in her eyes and I saw so much in them, but the one emotion that stuck out was Love...

"I love you too Ma"


After cleaning up some, I walked Marie to her car. Before she got in she hugged me and I kissed her forehead.

"I had fun with you on the troops Julian" she said.

I smiled and placed my hands on her hips, "Well I'm just an awesome guy" I said.

She smacked my chest and unlocked the door; she turned around and gave me a kiss on lips before getting in the car. She hooked the horn before she disappeared down the road.

"Ahh, young love so cute" I turned around and was splashed with water.

I heard laughter and wiped my eyes to see Alecie and Justin, I glared at them and then at the water guns they had in their hands.

"What the fuck?" I said wiping my face.

Alecie laughed and lifted the gun when I tried to walk towards them.

"Stop right there Goins, I have a gun and I'm not afraid to use it" she said

I glared at them and I looked out the corner to see Langston and Chris with the hose.

"Alright fine, splash away" I said with a smile.

Before they could respond they were both soak to the bone with the hose and that's when all hell broke loose.

Alecie reached for the hose in Chris's hand and the gun fell to the floor which I grabbed. While Chris and Alecie fought I began to get Justin and Langston. I heard Alecie high pitched scream and Chris had put the hose in the shirt.

Let just say After it was all said and done, Monica yelled at all of us for bringing so much water in the house and tracking mud on her white carpet.

That's the first time that Monica ever put us on punishment, but I was worth it....

The Brothers [Urban] (Complete)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें