Chapter Twenty-One

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Marie P.o.v

I heard beeping sounds and my head hurt like hell, my whole body hurt actually. I feel like someone ran me over with a car multiply times; I slowly opened my eyes only to be greeted with a bright light.

I blinked a couple of time to get use to the light, when my vision came to view I looked up and saw I was in the hospital with tubes in my arms. What the hell, I looked around the room and saw all the boys sitting there and they were sleeping in the chairs. To my right Julian was sitting beside me holding my hand I smiled and then looked to my left and saw Alecie sitting in Chris's lap with her head lying on my bed and she was holding my hand too.

I tapped Alecie on top of her head and she groaned.

I chuckled, "Bitch get your ass up I'm in the hospital and your sleep!" I yelled, she instantly looked up and let out a loud squeal causing me to grab my head.

"Oh my god Pook! If you ever scare me like that again I will kill you bring your ass back to life and then kill you again" she said hugging me, I chuckled and mock saluted her.

"Okay, I'll try not to get jumped again" I said, she pulled away and bit her bottom lip.

"I'm sooo sorry I got you into this mess and now you're in the hospital you could have been killed and it would have been my entire fault" she said.

I rolled my eyes, "Bitch I ain't trying to hear all that you know I got you back no matter what" I said.

She sighed and rests her head back on my bed, the boys started to get up probably because Alecie was loud and shit, okay maybe I was loud too but fuck yall I just woke up in a hospital.

"I'm glad you okay Marie, you scared the hell out of all of us" Julian said from beside me, I smiled at him trying to hide my blush and looked at Alecie and she gave me a look.

"Hey, now that Pook is up why don't you guys got to the cafeteria I know you guys are hungry" Alecie suggested.

They all stared to get up and Chris picked her up out his lap and sat her down in the chair, Julian reluctantly let go of my hand and follow them out too.

Alecie P.o.v

"First I want you to tell me what happened at the store" I asked.

She sighed, "I was getting some groceries for us when I felt like something wasn't right, so I looked behind me and nobody was there so I shrugged it off and started walking until I felt it again and then time when I turned around and nobody was the as I was turning around to walk again someone punched me in the face. Then I got multiply punches and a kick to the head and I was out like a light" she explained.

I bit my bottom lip, "Did you see who hit you?" I asked she shook her head.

"Nope, but the first punch was a male and I know the rest of them were female because their bracelets keep hitting my face when they punched me."

I sighed, "The male has to be Terrance; I don't know who the females are"

"Okay enough with this serious stuff I know you like Julian" I said, her jaw dropped and her eye almost popped of her head causing me to smirk.

"I don't know what you're talking about Hun" she said after gaining her composure.

"Please! I've known you for 3 years now, I know when you like someone and you like Julian" I said.

She didn't say anything just looked away and smiled, "Whatever" she mumbled.

"AWWWWWW!" I said causing her to blush, "Shut up before you get kicked out" I chuckled and shrugged.

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