Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Alecie P.o.v

I blinked a couple of times and slowly smiled, he didn't look anything like Terrence he looked me like more than anything.

I held my hand out and DJ took it in his, "Hi I'm Alecie" I said he smiled.

"I'm Daniel, you're pretty Alecie" he said, I smiled and pinched his cheek.

"And you not so bad yourself handsome" he giggled and hid his face into Daniel neck, "Come on in I know you and your friends don't want to wait in the hot sun all day" she said and moved to the side.

Me and Chris walked inside and so did the rest of the guys, "Uh Keyshia and Daniel; this is Justin, Julian, Langston, Marie, Monique and my boyfriend Chris" I said.

They all shook each other's hand while I just stared at little DJ, Daniel smiled at me and reach out for me to take him.

I looked at Keyshia and Daniel and they nodded and I took DJ in my arms and he clung to my neck. I smiled and tickled his stomach to which he let out a fit of giggles.

"Why don't you guys come and sit down?" Keyshia said and I looked up and nodded walking into the living room and sitting down with DJ in my lap.

*Two Hours Later*

"You cheated Alecie!" DJ yelled at me, I feigned being hurt and held my heart.

"I did not!" I said back, "Did too!" he yelled back at me.

"Did Not!"

"Did TOO!"

Did Not!"

"Alecie you did cheat you been cheating the whole game" Marie said, I smiled and stuck my tongue out at her.

"Yall just mad cause I'm winning!" I said, they all looked at me and I smirked.

"Okay, that's enough cards you guys get pretty serious when you play. Why don't you guys go to the kitchen Daniel made some lunch for you guys" Keyshia said and they all got up and walked in the kitchen.

I was doing the same but Keyshia stopped me, "I want to talk to you actually if you don't mind" she said I nodded and sat on the couch and she sat beside me.

"UH I don't know how to put this but, uh don't get me wrong I love DJ and I appreciate him every day of my life but I wanted to know...." She stopped trying to find her words

"Why I gave him up?" I finished for her; she looked up and didn't say anything but her eyes said it all.

I sighed and sat up some in my seat playing with my fingers, "uh I was fourteen when I had Daniel; I went through a lot of things and I didn't want him to go through then too. As soon as I had him they took him away I didn't even want to get attached to him because I knew I couldn't take care of him, hell I couldn't even take care of myself...." I mumbled.

"If you don't mind me asking, were you um..." she trailed off not knowing how to say it.

I nodded and it got quiet in the room, before I knew what was happening she brought me into a hug. I turned so I was facing her and hugged her back.

"I'm so sorry for what happened to you but thank you so much because you gave me and Daniel a gift that you will never understand how much he mean to us" she said and she was crying, I patted her back as she cried into my shoulder a few tears of my own slipped out but I wiped them away.

"You're welcome, I can tell he is in good hands and that's all I asked for him" I replied.

She pulled away and wiped her tears away, "Thank you for that and so much more" I smiled and she stood up.

"Come on lets go eat lunch so you can play with him some more before it gets late" I nodded and stood up following her into the kitchen.

Julian P.o.v

*Later That Night*

We were all full and we tired, we waited by the door while Alecie took Daniel Jr. Upstairs to bed. When she came back downstairs she smiled at us and then Keyshia and Daniel hugged her.

"Thank you so much for letting me see him" Alecie said, she reached into her pocket and pulled out some money.

"Here, the adoption agency told me you guys were struggling a little so I want you to have this and don't hesitate to call me if you need anything." She said.

Keyshia took the money from Alecie because you don't say no to Alecie and she wasn't leaving until Keyshia took it and they hugged once again, we all said our goodbyes and walked outside the house.

Marie slung her arm over Alecie's shoulder and Mo'nique grabbed Alecie's hand.

"Okay, now what are we going to do?" Langston asked.

Alecie shrugged and opened her door sliding in, "We could go out tonight; I never been to Atlanta but we can look for something to do" she said.

Chris scoffed, "You've been to Mexico but you haven't been to Atlanta?"

Alecie punched his shoulder and he winced, "Shut ya mouth Brown!"

I chuckled and we got in the car, "Why don't we go out to eat!" I suggested

They all shrugged and agreed; Alecie started the car and began to drive down the road.

Chris P.o.v

I held Alecie's hand from my side of the car; she looked away from the rode and smiled a little.

Last night really help me get rid of all the pent up angry I was holding in. She didn't judge me or throw that shit back in my face she just held me. She didn't complain when we sat there in silence until 4 in the morning and when I finally let go she wiped my tears from my eyes. Kissed both my cheeks, then my mouth and pulled away.

I looked at her and I felt all the love in the world, I wanted to tell her that I loved her but that would be way too soon for our relationship but I know I love her I just want to make sure it's really true before l just put myself out there.

I rubbed soothing circles in her hand as she drove.

"Awwwww! The love birdssssss!" Marie said leaning up from the backseat.

Alecie gave her a look and she closed been mouth and sat back crossing been arms and pouting.

Alecie smiled triumphantly, "What was that?" I asked.

"I got it like that" she said and popped been collar pulling into the hotel where we all got out.

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