Chapter Four

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Langston P.o.v

We were sitting in the car waiting on Alecie to come out the house, "I don't see why we got to wait on that bitch" Chris yelled from the back.

"I don't see why we have to go anyway what's wrong with the clothes we got?" Justin grumbled.

"What's wrong is the fact that we have been wearing the same shoes for almost three years I'm glad to be getting some new stuff" Julian said

I turned around, "Yall need to stop being grumpy and be grateful" I said smiling.

"Shut the fuck up Langston" they said at the same time, I turned around and Julian started laughing.

"You shut the fuck up too" they said to him, I smirked and then the front door open and closed and Alecie came out the door.

I had to admit she was bad, and she carried herself good. She was a bitch but she just needs some dick and she'll be straight.

She slid into the front seat and then she turned around, "Buckle up" she said to everyone.

They did what she said and she started the car, she turned the radio on and the she pulled out the driveway.

"Okay so I have no clue what you guys like so what stores do you want to go to first?"

Nobody answered her and she scoffed, "Fine well go to a store I choose first" she said smirking.

"No!" everyone yelled, "Let's go get shoes first" I suggested thinking of what Julian said earlier.

"Okay, let's do that and then we will go from there" she said pulling into the mall's parking lot.

We all got out and she was waiting on us, we all followed behind her, I couldn't help but stare at her ass.

She turned around and smack me on the head, "Stop it I could feel your eyes"

I smirked, "Well I couldn't help it"

"Whatever brings your asses" she said turning into the first shoes store in the mall.

Alecie P.o.v

*Two hours later*

I sat down in the seat in the food court, I was tired as fuck these have been the most excruciating two hours of my fucking life.

These niggas are worse than girls; they took forever to decide on anything!

"I'm hungry" Julian spoke when he slid in the booth beside me.

"Too bad" I said smirking, I stood up though.

"What do you want?" I asked them, the all started calling off things the wanted.

I lifted my hand up, "Hold the fuck up! Let's go to one restaurant a lot less work."

"Okay well let's get McDonalds then" Langston said.

"Fuck no, let get captain D's" Julian argued.

"No we had enough fish, let get Chinese food" Chris snapped.

"Don't nobody want no Chinese food, let's get pizza" Justin said. Then they started arguing about what to get, I sighed.

"Alecie?" I turned around and found my ex standing there with Taylor and the whole group was with them.

Oh my day just got better, "What do you want?" I snapped.

"Hey Alecie" Taylor said I ignored her and kept looking at Shane.

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