Chapter Twenty-Five

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Alecie P.o.v

We all sat in these uncomfortable chairs and my leg was shaking I was so nervous. Marie grabbed my hand and I looked at her, I leaned on her shoulder and let some tears fall.

"I'm sorry for what I said earlier" she said, I shrugged.

"You were right and I'm sorry too but right now it's a lot I can't tell you yet so just give me some time" I said, she nodded.

"Okay one step at a time, first what did Terrance say?" I sighed.

"The same old same talking shit, but he did tell me Uncle Richard is here" I half lied, I mean I didn't tell the whole truth but I didn't lie either.

"Alecie is that you?" I looked up and saw Mo'nique walking towards me, I gave her the best smile I could but she saw right through it.

"Are you okay? Do you need anything?" she said and looked over my face to see if she could find what was wrong with me.

I shook my head, "No I'm fine my uncle is just in here he was shot" her eyes grew big and the got teary eyed.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry to hear that" she said bringing me into a hug.

"If you need anything you call me okay? And I mean that" she said and her tone held something I never heard Mo speak before and I nodded.

She patted my shoulder and then looked at everyone else, "Hi Justin" she said.

He looked at her and a slight smile slipped on his face, "Hey Mo" she waved at everyone else before giving me another glance and walking off.

"What was weird, since when did you and Bullock become friends?" I looked at Marie shrugged.

"Uh we weren't ever close but she's cool people"

Marie stared at me but before she could answer the doctor came out.

"Brown, Richard Brown" I stood up and walked over to him, "Is he okay how is he?"

He looked at me, "Are you a relative" I nodded.

"Yes I'm his niece his wife should be on her way she was staying at her parents with the children" I explained her nodded and sighed.

"The bullet barely missed his heart but the surgery was a success. Right now he is breathing on his own . He was beat up pretty badly as well he has a broken rib and his leg is in a cast."

I let out a long sigh of relief and I don't know what came over me but I jump in the doctor arms and hugged the hell out of me.

"Thank you so much doctor! Can I see him or do I have to wait?!" I said, he sat me on the ground and he turned a nice shade of red.

"Uh, yes you can follow me" we all started to follow him but he stopped us, "Only two at a time"

I looked at everyone and Langston sat back down, "I'll stay out here" he said.

"Me too, you know I don't do emotional stuff" Justin said sitting down again.

"I'm going I haven't even meet him and I'm want to see if he's okay" Marie said, I looked and Chris and Julian.

"We'll be fine we'll go next, go check on your uncle" Julian said and Chris nodded.

I smiled and Marie grabbed my hand, we began to walk to the room it felt like it took forever to get to the door.

The doctor opened it and I held my breath when I saw my uncle lying on the bed, his face was cut up and he looked a little pale.

I let out a little sob because this is my fault he is in the bed, what if he would have died his children would have been without a father, his wife without a husband, and it would have been my entire fault.

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