Chapter Three

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Alecie P.o.v

I looked up from the ice cream I was eating, and that Chris dude was walking in the kitchen. I dropped my spoon and crossed my arms.

"So you going to steal something now, damn I had so much hope for you" I said sarcastically. He didn't come back with anything, and I raised an eyebrow. I took in his appearance and his shirt was soaked, he eyes were red like he had been crying and his breathing looked like he was struggling to keep his composure.

I dropped my arms and continued to watch him walk around the kitchen and look in the fridge; he must be looking for food. I got up and walked into the pantry; I grabbed two bags of chips and walked back in the kitchen, I threw them at him and he caught them with ease.

I sat bag down and started eating my ice cream again, out of the corner of my eye I said Chris looking off into space as he ate.

"What wrong with you?" I said he didn't look at me.

"Why, it's not like you care" he snapped, I flinched from the harshness from his words.

"Whatever I was trying to be nice but if you want to be a little bitch then I'll leave you alone" I said getting up and putting my bowl in the sink.

When I turned around he was standing right there, he backed me up against the sink but I didn't back down.

"I'm tired of you thinking you know anything about me you don't know shit!" he said acidly, I glared at him.

"I know enough, I know way more than you think I do" I snapped at him.

"You have no clue, like I said you just a stuck-up bitch that was born with a silver spoon in her mouth." He said.

I slapped him across his face, "You don't know shit about the" I said and walked out the kitchen. How fucking dare he! I was so pissed off I bumped into someone, "Get the fuck out the way!" I yelled and walked upstairs to my room.

Langston P.o.v

I chuckled, she better be glad she fine or I would have choked her little ass up. I walked into the kitchen and Chris was standing in a spot staring, no more like glaring at the spot in front of him. He was rubbing his cheek and I went and touch his shoulder.

He spun around glaring at me, "my nigga fuck wrong with you?" I asked.

He shook his head and then grabbed some chips and sat back down, "Where the fuck you been Langston; it 3 o'clock in the morning" he said.

"Where you think I been nigga?" I said grabbing the unopened bag of chips; I got a bad case of the munchies.

"You need to be careful, don't bring that shit here. They might have ya ass locked up instead of sending you back" he said.

I chuckled, "You ain't got to worry about me Chris; Justin on the other hand he the one you should worry about"

"I shouldn't have to worry about none of yall, yall some grown ass niggas but yet I find myself talking to yall like little kids!" he snapped, his glare growing deeper.

I crossed my arms, "You had that dream again didn't you"

He guard was up even more, "Fuck you Langston" he said getting up and walking, no stomping upstairs.

I shook my head, that nigga is seriously fucked up in the head.

Julian P.o.v

*Next Morning*

I got up in the morning and put on some shorts and a t-shirt. I walked outside and began to stretch, the door opened and Alecie walked out.

She scoffed, "You have got to be kidding me you all are everywhere!" she yelled. She had on running short and a tank top, she had an iPod and some earphones wrapped around her neck. She was about to go for a run, just like I was.

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