Chapter Twenty

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Alecie P.o.v

*A Few Days Later*

Between The boys and Marie, no matter where I go I'm not alone it's getting really annoying. Hell I can't even go to the bathroom without Marie standing outside the door. I refuse to sleep in my room though, I either sleep in Chris's room, I also sleep in Julian's room when we have our talks on Fridays or when Marie comes over I sleep in the guest room I refuse to sleep by myself. I'm not going to lie and say that sometimes I feel like someone is watching me but I think I'm psyching myself out.

Uncle Richard has been hard at work on Justin, Chris, and Julian's cases her said he has his best detectives on each case. They even have a couple of witness and some evidence, I'm just glad that their finally going to get some answers.

Right now me and Langston are in the car because he said his mother wanted to see me again, I of course agreed I mean I have nothing against her and the last time I saw her she didn't look so good.

We pulled up to the building and I took in the scenery, again felt the Goosebumps I feel every time I step outside of the house. I looked around but don't see anybody as usual, we got out the car rand Langston put his arm around my shoulders protectively.

We walked to the receptionist and she smiled at us, "Hello Langston who is this?" she said looking at me.

"This is Alecie, is my mother in her room?" Langston said, "Let me check" she said picking up the phone.

She talked to the other person for a little while before she nodded is hang up, "Yeah go right on up she just got back from Therapy" she handed us some name tags and then we went and got on the elevator.

Langston leaned against the wall and he was tense the whole time, I looked at him and he just stared at the ground.

I touched his shoulder and I gave him a warm smile, he let out a sigh and then the elevator opened.

He grabbed my hand and led me down the long hallway, when we got to the end he opened the door up.

He walked in first and then I walked behind him, "Langston honey, don't just stand there come help me sweetie" the women said, Langston went over and picked her out the wheelchair placing her on the bed.

She place her hand on his cheek and smiled, she then looked at me and smiled.

"You brought me a visitor, come here girl give me a hug" I looked at her and walked over slowly before hugging her.

Her hug felt motherly and filled with love, it made me emotional because my own mother never hugged me like this.

I pulled away and she smiled, "You're a beautiful young lady I'm sorry that you had to see me like that the last time we meet" I smiled.

"It fine; I've seen worse trust me on that" I said sitting down beside her, Langston sat on the other side and she grabbed his hand.

"What did they say ma?" he said, his voice was low and he wouldn't look at her. She grabbed his face and made him look at her.

"They said my treatment is going well, I still have a long way to go" he sighed but didn't say anything else.

I held my tongue because I didn't want to be rude but I wanted to know what was wrong with her, and I also wanted to know why she left Langston at such a young age but like I said I held my tongue because I don't want to be rude.

"I have a brain tumor dear" she said, I looked at her and she was looking at me she gave me a small smile.

"They diagnosed me a couple of months ago, but I didn't even want to get treatment because I was so high on anything I could get my hands on but then I saw Langston at the shop and when he yelled at me the way he did I knew I needed to get help. So I came here and I was in the rehab section for a little while until they move me here so now I'm due to get surgery soon." She said.

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