Chapter Twenty-Six

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Alecie P.o.v

I walked out my uncle's room because Marie and the boys never came back and I got worried. I walked out to the lobby and didn't see them, I turned toward the receptionist.

"Have you seen my friends Ma'am?" I asked, she nodded.

"They told me to tell you they are going to the café" I nodded and turned to walk towards the elevator.

I pressed the button and waited for it to open up, when I walked on there was already someone in there. I pressed the bottom for the café and the elevator closed, out the corner of my eyes I saw the man was staring at me.

"What?!" I snapped, he looked over me and then smirked before turning to the front. I began to feel uneasy and the elevator opened up and another man walked in. I started to feel uncomfortable and then the man reach over and I thought he was going to press the floor button but instead he pressed a button and the elevator stopped.

My eyes grew big, oh hell no! Back against the wall and the man remove his glasses and I notice him as one of Terrence friends.

I started to panic, I reach for my pocket knife and before I could use it one of them punch me in the face. I fell to the ground and groaned.

I spit out blood and looked at him, "Is that all you got?" I said, he lifted his foot and kick me in the face while the other man watched.

The man began to punch me repeatedly until he got up, I clutched my stomach spiting up blood I was going in and out of consciousness by now.

"You want her before I start the elevator again?" I heard the man ask over the ringing in my ears. Then that's when I heard it the zipper and I clench my eyes I reach for my knife and with all my strength I lend up and pressed it against his dick.

"GO ahead I dare you ill cut you off before you can even think about it" I sneered, the man looked horrified but then he quickly change his expression.

I was about to speak but another blow to the head and that was the last thing I remember before everything went black.

Justin P.o.v

Okay I'm getting sick of these hospitals! It starting to seriously piss me the fuck off, first Marie, then Alecie's Uncle, and now Alecie.

I don't know who this nigga is but I do know that he ain't shit and he better not let me find him because I've got a lot of pent up angry and he will be the first to receive it.

I mean Alecie and me aren't Best friends but we tolerate each other plus nobody deserves what she has and is going through right now. Alecie is a total bitch but once you get to know her she is actually a nice person I mean I don't want to punch the bitch all the time.

I got to admit whoever did this fucked her face up pretty bad, and then knew what they were doing by covering their faces up or at least that what the security said from the cameras.

Chris and Julian were pacing the room like idiot and Marie and Langston looked pissed the fuck off. I shook my head these niggas love that girl to death and she rubbed off on me too.

I looked up to see Shannon and Monica walking in with Tristan on Monica's hip and his head in her neck.

"What happened? First I get a call that Richard is in the hospital and now Alecie what is going on?" we all looked at each other.

"With all due respect Shannon that's something you have to ask Alecie yourself." Marie said, Monica scoffed.

"What did the bitch do this time, see Shannon I told you she was nothing but trouble" okay I'm getting sick of this bitch.

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