Chapter Fifty-Five

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Chris P.o.v

'I woke up to the smell of smoke; I got out of bed and ran to the door. I opened it and saw his parent's room on fire. A person ran out of their room and out the door I tried to get a good look at his face with no help, I ran into their room and my parents were on the floor bleeding.

"MOM! DAD!" My little 8 year old voice screamed, I tried to go to them but the fire grew bigger covering their bodies completely.

The smoke was starting to get to me my eyes were turning red, I started running downstairs but the smoke reached there too. Soon the smoked overwhelmed me, and I fell to my knees and soon on his side.

My eyes started to close but I saw something, someone was watching me. There face was blurry but I saw something that I recognized a tattoo. I blacked out.....

"So let me get this straight! This nigga killed your parents and you suspect he has something to do with all our parents deaths" Justin said

"Fuck Yeah! I've known this nigga since I was fucking two and he was like a second father and to think that he killed his best friend my fucking dad doesn't make me think that he isn't crazy enough to kill other people! "

"Let me see this nigga " Langston said and grabbed the ID's

"Ayee this is Carlos, Kirk get a lot of supplies from him plus he use to sell to my mom before she gave me up" Langston said staring at the picture.

"Hold up I know him too but he was my next door neighbor. He said his name was fucking Lamar! He used to be good friends with my folks and he lived with his wife and his new born son we use to have him over to Barbecue's and everything! "

"And we all know how he is connected to you Justin; our mom had sex with your dad so he killed your parents out of revenge!" Alecie said

I was fucking pissed this nigga planned all this shit! He wanted to make sure we all were miserable! Do you know how many times I have lived my life blaming myself for not saving my parents! Do you know how many times I thought about suicide because I couldn't live with the guilt or without my parents?

"This is some total bullshit man! All this shit was caused by one nigga!! "

"I tried calling Uncle Richard but he went out of town with his family and if I did call the police they wouldn't believe anything we say because we are just fucking kids." Alecie said and placed her head in her hands.

"So what should we do?" Justin said, Alecie looked over at him and then at me.

"Give him what he wants; we have an advantage over him. I overheard Nae and Taylor talking about something happening on Friday, and if they want me then that's what we need to do" Alecie said.

I sat up in my seat, "Are you crazy! You're not sacrificing yourself for this bullshit! This man is capable of anything and has done whatever the fuck he wants and you want to give up and give in to him!? "

"What other choice do we have Chris! Uncle Richard doesn't come back till Thursday we have today to plan how we're going to do this shit now pull your head out of your ass and let's plan this shit! There is absolutely no time to be bullshitting and I have absolutely no fucks to give about how you feel about it were going to do it and we are going to sit here and come up with a plan Chris!" She yelled and I sat back in my seat.

"Damn girl you took it back to the streets huh?" Langston said and started laughing, Alecie gave him a look and he stopped.

"Okay, Alecie what is your plan?" Justin said.

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