Chapter Eleven

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Justin P.o.v

'I ran out onto the football field and looked up at the stands. My whole family was here they smiled down at me and they all waved towards me.

I smiled back and put my helmet on my head, the coach yelled at me to get on the field and I put my mouth piece in and walked to the middle of the field, everyone line up and I looked at both side to see my boy Shaq and Trey the both nodded at me and I stared forward. I stared to call out the plays, and then I hiked the ball.

I passed it and began to run to down the field to the end zone; suddenly my legs began to feel heavy. Everything around me started to become dizzy, I looked back at the stand and my parents were gone. I looked behind me and nobody was there; the lights stadium light began to turn off leaving darkness along the way. I tried to run faster but my legs grew heavier and heavier, the darkness was getting closer and when it was almost to me I saw a black hand reach out trying to grab me'

I quickly sat up in my bed, and rubbed my face down; I looked over at the clock and saw that it was almost dinner. I sighed and pushed my covers off my body; I went to my bathroom and turned on the water.

I stripped out of my clothes and got in the shower, the hot water easing the stress out of my muscles. I rested my head on the tile wall while the water ran down my back. It been 3 days since my last fix and it was killing me, I need to find something to get me back going because this shit isn't working.

The water started to get cold so I quickly washed up and stepped out the bathroom, I wrapped a towel around my body and walked back into my room.

The door opened up and Alecie walking in, "Dinner is ready-" she said her eyes falling down to my body.

"I heard you why are you still here?" I snapped at her, she glared and turned on her heel.

"You got a body on you but you attitude needs a little workout" when the door closed I allowed myself to smile, I can't stand her but she can be funny sometimes.

Chris P.o.v

I lay on my side and looked out the window, I wasn't feeling Dinner tonight. I was still a little pissed off Alecie reminded me so much of Robyn and it pissed me off that she wasn't grateful for the fact that I was just trying to protect her stupid ass.

My door opened and I heard feet shuffle over to my bed, "Chris?" her voice said but I stayed in my same position.

"Are you going to ignore me?" she said again, I rolled my eyes I could have sworn that's what it as doing right now.

"Fine well do this the hard way then" I heard her get out of her chair and then I felt her pounce on top of me.

"Get your ass off me!" I said she began stand up and started to jump on my bed.

"Chris I'm sorry! Chris I'm sorry!" she said singing and jumping at the same time. I grabbed her ankle pulling her down; she let out a yelp and fell down next to me.

"I forgive you okay now leave me the fuck alone" I said, she scrunched her face up.

"Eww that wasn't a good acceptance to my bomb ass apology." She said smiling she stood back up and began to jump again.

"Alecie stop!" she kept going and shook her head.

"Naw your bed is fun to jump in plus I'm still waiting on a better acceptance" I rolled my eyes and sat up.

"I forgive you Alecie okay" she smiled and bounced down so she was sitting in front of me.

"I was just trying to protect you, I know those streets a lot better than you do and I don't want you to get hurt because of us" she smiled and held her heart.

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