Chapter Fifty-Six

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I and Langston were at the house because apparently I'm on house arrest also because the boys came to executive decision that my ass had to stay in this house till we finish talking the plan out.

I was whooping Langston's ass in GTA5 and he was being all pissy when the doorbell rang

"I'm not answering that shit last time I did it didn't end well" I laughed and got up walking out the room and upstairs.

When I got to the door I looked through the peephole and saw Elizabeth.

I opened the door and she rushed in and closed the door.

"Hey baby, I heard what happened last night and I came to see was you Okay" she said feeling on my face as a concerned mother would do.

"I'm fine Elizabeth my husband didn't get my brother arrested" I said glaring at her, I know it wasn't her fault but just thinking about her scene was pissing me off.

"Look I know you probably hate me but Terrence is planning to hurt that little boyfriend of yours" all my defenses went down when she said that.

"What are you talking about?"

"You think it's a coincidence that the biggest drug dealer in New York was busted yesterday? They didn't have any leads in finding them and then all of a sudden they got arrested?" she said.

"Bitch I know that Terrence did that what about fucking Chris?!" I was getting irritated very quickly.

"Kimberly sent me a letter; she said she gave you one too. Yours has his ID's mines has his plans" she said handing it to me.

I took it and ripped that bitch open I need to know what going down.

I read over the letter and almost broke down, "Shit I gotta go call Uncle Richard"


I was sitting in class bored as a mutha! I was texting Alecie but my damn phone went dead.

"Chris they need you in the office take your stuff" my teacher said.

I grabbed my stuff and walked out the class, I walked down the halls and it was empty as fuck. As I was walking I felt like someone was following me.

I turned and didn't see anybody, when I was turning back around Nae was in front of me.

"The fuck you want?!" I said getting mad, I haven't forgotten what Alecie told me.

"I just wanted to give you one more chance you can drop that sorry excuse of a girlfriend and be with me, I mean seriously she slept with her dad do you really want to keep fucking something so nasty"

I know its wrong but I back hand that bitch, "Bitch shut the fuck up. Alecie is a better person that you'll ever be and you don't even know the whole story. You just know what that fuck nigga Terrence told you shit that might not even be his name but your too fucking stupid to know that now back the fuck out my face because I love that sorry excuse of a girlfriend as you called her " I said pushing her little ass.

"You're going to regret that decision!! " she yelled and I flicked her off still walking to the office, man fuck this shit I'm going to the house to my girlfriend cause that shit just pissed me off.

I turned walked towards the door and walked out I was going to text the boys and let them know I was gone but my damn phone was dead.

I put it back in my pocket and walked towards the car before I could get in something head me over the head and I black out....


"Fuck you mean he didn't show, he is at school!" Alecie yelled pacing the floor.

"Shit!!" she said and threw the phone against the wall making it break.

"I knew I should have went and got him fuck!" she said and fell on her knees crying.

I went and sat beside her, "What happened B?"

I said holding her to my chest, "Uncle Richard said he went to the school to go get them and he got Justin and Julian but he waited for hours on Chris and when the checked the fucking tape he was walking out the building the camera's outside the school were smashed or spray painted over, they got him Langston I feel it in my soul my nigga. Uncle Richard said he on his way here now but what if it's too late!" She said more but I couldn't understand because it came out a jumbled mess.

"Aww sweetheart were going to find him" Elizabeth said coming and holding her, Alecie wrapped her arms around her and just cried.

"This is all my fault...." Alecie said, and Elizabeth shook her head.

"No it's not baby Terrence has had this shit planned for a long time, he just didn't expect for you to be so strong. He thought you were weak but he doesn't know that I had a strong brave young woman and you need to stop crying baby, we need to find your love before it's too late Okay" Elizabeth said wiping Alecie's tears and kissing her forehead.

"Okay...." she said and calmed down, "Good now think me and you know Terrence and his mind set where would he take Chris?" Elizabeth said.


My fucking head hurts like a bitch, Where am I? Why is it so fucking dark am I dead?! I'm in a car?

I opened my eyes and saw that I was in a tight spot; I was in a trunk I think. Everything was so fucking dark and my hands were tied, I tried to say something but my mouth had tape over it. The car stopped and I heard four doors close, then the trunk open. I had a blindfold on because I couldn't see who it was.

"Get him" someone said and I didn't recognize the voice. Soon someone grabbed my arms and someone grabbed my legs.

I tried struggling but they had a vice grip on my hands and legs.

Soon I was sat in a chair and tied up their too.

Someone ripped the tape off my mouth, "Fuck man!" I said and someone laughed.

"I can't believe she fell in love with your pussy ass!" the same voice that spoke the first time said.

"Nigga fuck you, you sick Nigga and you better hope I don't break free because I'm beating ya ass" I said and the voice chuckled.

"Take the blindfold off him I want him to look me in the eye as I speak"

Someone came behind me and took the blindfold off, my eyes had to get adjusted to the light and then they focused in on the man that I haven't seen since I was 8 years old...

"Christopher, my have you gotten big since the last time I've seen you. It's a Damn shame that you won't make it to your 19th birthday though, but hey at least you'll be with you folks send my wishes to Martin if you don't mind" When he said that shit I saw fucking red, I jumped at him trying to get out cause I was going to kill his ass.

He threw his head back and laughed, "I don't know what my little girl see's in you... She was always into bad boys but she was daddy's little girl did she tell you she would sit on my lap every night?" he said getting in my face.

I spit in his face because that was the only thing that I could do and I was fucking shaking with rage.

He wiped his face and stepped back, "You know I could kill you for that but I'll let you live for now I want to have a little fun with you" he said and laughed.

"Take care of him Shane I'll be back" he said and walked out, I looked over and saw that Shane nigga. I knew I hated his ass for a reason!

"This is going to be enjoyable" he said and put on some brass knuckles.

"Go ahead Alecie still choose me over you" I said and he went across my face with the knuckles.

I laughed and spit out blood, "Mad or Nah?" I said and that's where the fun began.


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