Chapter Thirty-Four

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Alecie P.o.v

Shannon came into the room and looked at me, "What's wrong because every time you give me that look it's not a good thing, like that time when I was in high school and you told me my girlfriend was pregnant"

"Shannon I have a son, I got pregnant when I was fourteen years old and when it was time for me to have him I gave him up for adoption because I knew who the father was and I knew I couldn't live with myself knowing that" I said.

He looked at me like he was processing what I said, "Alecie I don't know about this..." Shannon said, I ran a hand through my hair and pulled it out of my face.

"Shannon I'm sorry but right now I don't give a damn what you think, I want to see him and I want to know if he is okay. What she said got to me and Terrence even sent me pictures of him, he is going to be five next month Shannon" I said and place my head in my hands.

He got up and rubbed my back, "Alecie what our mother said was fucked up but you signed a no contact document that says you can't see him or contact him unless the parents say so" he said.

"Fuck that shit! He is my son and I want to see him, I knew back then that I couldn't take care of him but I at least want to see him. I gave him away because I can't look at him every day knowing that Terrence is his father but I want to see my son Shannon" he sighed and turned on the computer.

Then he started to type some shit and I sat back watching him, he picked up his phone and started talking to somebody.

I sat back and played with my fingers replaying what my mom said in my head over and over again, I wipe more tears away. I shook my head I can't believe I let that bitch get to me; I spent the whole day yesterday crying after she left and then all I wanted to do was go home and crawl in my bed and cry some more but then I realized I couldn't even sleep in my room because Terrence was in there and it gave me the creeps.

Then I got pissed off because no matter what I do Terence and my mother have so much control over my life. I wanted to keep my son but I didn't want him to have to live the life I did so I gave him away but I want control over that too! If I can't control one thing in my life I want to control this, I want to see him even if it kills me I'm going to see my son.

Shannon hang up the phone and sighed, "The parents have agreed to meet you the agency said they've spent a long time looking for you" he said, I nodded and bit my lip.

"When will I get to see him?" I asked.

"Well they live in Atlanta and we live in New York, they don't have any money to get a ticket and they can't take off work so they don't know when they will be able to come see you Alecie"

I perched my lips, "I'll go to them! I always wanted to go on a road trip and I can go to them and spend my birthday weekend with them and come back on Thursday before the game on Friday" I offered.

"I don't know about that Alecie, with all this that's going on with this Terrance dude I don't think you leave out this state and not with any protection is a good idea especially by yourself"

I slumped in my chair then I got an idea, "The boys can come with me! Me and Langston can drive and they all are going to be there so it not just me going and Marie can come too!"

I said, Shannon slumped his shoulders, "I still don't know about this Alecie"

I stood up and sat down on his desk, "Look Shannon they have controlled everything in my life they are not going to control this. Please just let me go I mean if the boys go their not going to let anything happen to me please"

He sighed; "I guess I should call them back and tell them you're coming" I smiled and jumped up hugging him.

"Thank you so much! This means so much to me Shannon!" I said hugging his neck and crying at the same time.

He wrapped his arm around me and held me as I cried in his shoulder, "Just please be careful B; you're all the family I have"

I pulled away and nodded, "I will"

Justin P.o.v

"So we're going to drive from New York to Atlanta?" Julian asked for confirmation.

We all looked at Alecie and she nodded, "For what?" Chris asked, Alecie don't look at him or any of us.

"Because I want to go for my birthday" she mumbled

"You lying Alecie" Julian said, she looked at him and sighed.

"Dammit can you guys just trust me! If you don't want to go then I'll go by my damn self!" she said stomping her foot, "No you won't!" Shannon said walking passed the doorway.

"Fine I won't go by myself I just go with Marie"

"No you won't!" Shannon called, "Piss off Shannon! I'm going dammit and you can't stop me!" she said.

"Okay you're definitely not going by yourself you could get hurt" Chris said, she sighed.

"No shit Sherlock which is why I'm ask for you niggas to come with me" she said.

I shrugged, "I'm in a road trip sounds fun" I said.

"Me Too, if Marie is going I want to come too" Julian said, Alecie gave a slight smile.

"I'm in, maybe I'll find some bad bitches to fuck I need some pussy" Langston said, Alecie scrunched her face up and looked at Chris.

"I'm coming..." he said.

Alecie smiled and little, "Great! I and Langston will drive and Shannon said we can skip school on Friday"

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