Chapter Fifty

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The tension in the car was so real it's ridiculous, nobody said anything.

Alecie and Chris were just sitting there and I swear i thought at any moment they both break off into a physical fight. Alecie could probably take him, she may be short but those years on the street taught her well because she hit like a straight nigga.

We pulled into the parking garage of the hospital and we all got out. Alecie slammed the door hard as fuck and stormed off in the building.

Julian was about to follow her but Justin stopped him.

"I'll go after her, you'll just piss her off" he said and walked in after her.

Me, Julian, and Chris walked into through building and got on the elevator.

"Damn nigga, I've never seen you two argue before and never something so serious " Julian said.

Chris jaw was clenching like crazy and his fist were balled up, "She just thinks she right about every damn thing! She doesn't understand that I would fucking kill for her, she selfish as fuck and stubborn! I fucking love that girl but I don't know how much I can take with all her secrets!"

"Love?!?!?!" I screamed I looked at Julian.

"Love! Come on kid, we don't love these hoes! You did that shit and ended up heartbroken now you wanna do it again! Nah, fuck that shit I care for Alecie I really do but you talking about love and you've only known her for five months and dating for what almost three weeks. Nah, that's bullshit... "

"Don't listen to shit he is talking about! That girl has been good to you, hell to all of us! Don't let Langston get in your head talking all that shit because he know deep down he loves Alecie too! Now if you love her then you need to fight for her and what you guys had because we all know even Langston that you guys belong together fuck what happened in the past! That's what's fucking wrong with us now were always fucking worried about the fucking past!" Julian said, the elevator dinged and the doors opened and we all stepped out.

"Don't bring that bullshit in my Momma's room."

We walked down the hall and into my Ma's room and she was flipping through channels when we came in.

She looked up and smiled, "My babies! Come give Mama some love!

Julian ran to her first even though she is my Mama he acts like she's his, he hugged her and she kissed his cheek. Then Chris walked and did the same, when it was my turn she held my tighter and kissed my cheek and then forehead.

"I missed you baby..." she said and then pulled away.

I kissed her forehead and sat down in the seat beside her.

"Where's my other babies? Especially Alecie" she said I looked at the guys and they shrugged

"Their around here somewhere..." I answered.


"You know you played that shit really well I thought you was mad for real" Justin said.

I rolled my eyes, and continued to the maternity Ward.

I am pissed! I mean the plan was for me to start an argument with Chris so I could split away from the group and have Justin follow me so we could meet Elizabeth in the maternity ward of the hospital, she texted me this morning and said she was having complications with the baby and she would be here. Hence the reason I suggested we come here, but what I didn't expect was for Chris to throw that bullshit in my fucking face. Hell I didn't even know he felt that way, let alone say all that shit to me.

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