Chapter Forty-Eight

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We all sat there, I was probably raiding off anger because this was total bullshit.

I closed my eyes trying to calm down because it was taking everything in me to not reach over and hit this bitch.

I stood up from the bench; "You're lying..." was all I said before I walked off

"Justin! Justin wait!" I heard the footsteps but I kept walking.

She grabbed my hand and I snatched it away looking at her.

"This is bullshit and you know it! My mother is Misa; I don't care if she isn't my biological mother that is my mother! "I said.

She grabbed me again but this time I didn't snatch away I pushed her off me, "Don't fucking touch me Alecie!"

"Justin you think this is only hard for you?! All my life I always wonder why my own fucking mother didn't love me! So your father pushed you to be better, you said so yourself that if it wasn't for him you wouldn't be the greatest football player I know! You had people that loved you and what the fuck did I have huh!? Nothing, my childhood was filled with being raped and beat by people who should have loved me! I just found out today that the person who was supposed to love me rapes me Justin! So don't you sit up here and try to pretend like you're the only muthafuckers whose life was just turned upside down! "

By now she was standing and staring me face to face, she was breathing hard and shaking.

I shook my head, "I can't do this right now..." I turned and walked away getting into the car and speeding off down the road. There only one place I wanted to be and I wanted to be alone....


I stared at the spot that Justin was just standing and I felt a warm hand on my back.

I turned around to see Elizabeth standing there, "I'm sorry I just sprung that on you guys but it's true. I'm his biological mother and he needed to know that I didn't leave him by choice I loved him and still do but like I said I was young and stupid"

I felt numb..... I felt tired and all I want was to go home. I needed to think this shit over; I began to walk in the direction of my home. Elizabeth was calling out to me but I ignored her and continued to walk, this shit was too much to handle and at this point I was so done...


I rolled over in my sleep thinking I was going to put my arm around Alecie but my arms only touched the air

I turned the night stand light on and sat up in bed, the clock on the side read it was 3 in the morning.

I threw the cover off me and walked out the room; I walked downstairs and saw the light on in the kitchen.

I walked in the kitchen and saw Alecie sitting on the counter with her legs crossed and a bag of chips between her legs

She still had on her clothes from this afternoon and her hair was in a bun.

"Alecie, what you doing up so late?" I asked, she jumped and turned around facing me.

Her eyes were bloodshot red which only meant she was two things. She was drunk or she was high, she hopped down from the counter and came hug my waist.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and she just buried herself deeper into my chest.

"You Okay?" I asked, she shook her head in my chest.

"You want to talk about it" Again she shook her head. I sighed knowing I couldn't push her to talk about it, I slowly rubbed her back and that's when I felt the wetness on my shirt.

I then realized she wasn't high or drunk she had been crying. I pulled away from her and saw tears streaming down her face.

"Baby, what's wrong? Come on sit down and talk to me" I said grabbing her hand and sitting on the stool with her in-between my legs.

"Chris just hold me, I don't want to talk about it right now..." she said and wrapped her arms around my neck burying her head in my neck.

We stood there in silence as she just cried in my neck. I held her as she continued to cry, I heard the door open in the hallway and peered over Alecie to see Justin walking in the kitchen. Our eyes locked and I saw his eyes were red too, what the fuck is going on.

Alecie must have felt another presence in the room because she pulled away and turned around. Their eyes meet and I felt Alecie tense up.

"We need to talk, now...." Justin snapped and turned to walk out the room.

Alecie stood there for a minute before she began to walk away.

I pulled her back, "Later..." she said and kissed my lips.

"I'll tell you everything....Later! We need to figure some shit out first then we'll tell you guys everything. "

She turned around and started walking out again; she sent a little smile over her shoulder before walking out completely


I was lying on my bed tossing the football in the air. After I left the park, I drove all the way to the Upper Eastside. That's where my parents were buried; they wanted to be buried right next to each other and close to their family. I went there and just sat in front of their graves. I needed to think and I always go there to think about shit that goes on in my life. This shit was just too much to handle for one day

The door opened and closed and soon somebody sat down in the window seat.

I knew who it was and I was waiting for her to speak first. I continued to toss the ball in the air as we both got lost in our thoughts.

"I'm sorry for leaving you like that" I said.

"It's Okay, you were upset and it was a lot to handle" she said, I sat up and looked at her she was already staring out the window with her knees to her chest.

"What are we going to do?" she asked after another long frame of silence...

I shrugged, "I still think it's all bullshit. Even if she is my mother she said so herself, she gave me up for some nigga that treated her like shit"

"Justin, she also said it was the biggest mistake of her life"

"Alecie you don't understand do you?! That woman never loved me, she gave me up just like that and then she expects me to just welcome her back into my life with open arms. That's bullshit! I call it bullshit, and I'll be damn if that woman tries to tell me anything to change my mind she abandoned me -"

"And she didn't me?! Pull yours head out of you fucking ass Combs! Because you're not the only one who just found out some fucked up shit today! So don't fucking sit up here and try to play victim, been there fucking done that! Now we can either sit here like adults or discuss this or we can bicker back and forth on whose life is more fucked! "

I sat back down and she crossed her arms, again we sat in silence and tried to figure out what to do next.

"Now what?" I asked, she looked over at me and sighed.

"Where did you go after together abandoned a real nigga?" she asked

I smiled a little but soon it faded; "To my parents grave's, I need to think you know?"

She nodded, "I guess we have that in common, I met up with Kenny and smoked a little and just talked to him"

I shook my head, "Also a thing we have in common"

She giggled, "That we do, that we do"

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