Chapter Six

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Alecie P.o.v

*Three weeks later*

My alarm goes off and I groan, fuck morning time! I rolled over and went back to sleep but there was banging on my door.

"Alecie get ya ass up you know you got school today!" Monica yelled, I groaned.

"I am up damn!" I said and got out the bed. I got an outfit out and walked to my bathroom; I got in the shower and took a long ass shower.

I got out and lotioning up, I put my clothes and then I straightened my hair. I grabbed my shoes and then my bag; I walked out the room and into the dining room. Everyone was eating and I sat down in my regular spot, I smiled.

"Pancakes!" I yelled, I grabbed my plate and did my normal routine when it came to pancakes.

"Alecie did you get the guys schedule?" Monica asked, I nodded and got them out my bag. I handed the schedules to them.

"Do you have any classes with them" Shannon asked, I nodded.

"Two each," I said eating some more pancakes, "I think it was a set-up" I said.

"Oh Alecie you know you love us, I don't know why you continue to put up the front" Langston said from beside me putting his arm on my shoulders.

"Remove thy arm, you messing with my pancake time" I said eating some more.

"Well your done anyway, go before your late" Monica snapped.

"But-" she crossed her arms and challenges me to question her to which I did

"Will go when I'm finished" I said and started eating again.

"Alecie...." Shannon said and I looked at him he is always taking her side about everything

I rolled my eyes and I grabbed my bag and they took the last three bites of my pancakes.

"Let's go" I said with my mouth full.

"Damn that sexy" Chris said sarcastically, I rolled my eyes and slid inside my car. Justin got inside while the rest of them were arguing about who was getting the front seat.

"Niggas get in the damn car!" I said.

"Alecie who get the front seat?" Julian asked.

"Justin, he hasn't sat in the front since you guys have been here"

"I don't do the front seat" Justin said, I snapped my head at him.

"Well I guess no one get it then" I said unlocking the backseat. They all grumbled and hopped in the back.

I started the car and drove down the road; I turned the radio on and began to sing to the song.

"See this is why we sit in the front, so we can turn the station when she starts singing!" Langston said, while the rest of the groaned.

"Hey, my singing is A1; yall hoes just mad!" I said flipping my hair ad singing again.

"Oh god, next time you're sitting in the front when it's your turn" Julian said.

I pulled up in my parking spot in front of the school; I turned around and looked at the boys.

"Ready?" I asked, they nodded and I stepped out of the car.

I grabbed my bags and locked the doors, when the boys got out.

The parking lot got silent; I shook my head people make me sick.

"What's wrong with everybody?" Julian asked me, staring at the people.

"Their idiots that what wrong with them" I said.

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