Chapter Fifty-Three

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I straightened out my dress, I usually love the color black but today I don't know what to feel.... Even though she put me through hell and she isn't even my mom deep deep deeeeeep down in my heart I still love her and now she's gone

I decided to actually get dressed in my room today. I stood in front of my mirror and looked at myself; the girl looking back at me looked different...

The door opened and I turned and saw Chris walking in, he had flowers in his hand and handed them to me.

I gave a small smile and walked over to him. He pulled me into a hug and kissed my head.

"You okay" I shook my head no, "You want to talk about it?" again I shook my head

"But we've come too far in this relationship to not talk to you...."I said and then sighed.

"I feel... sick, empty, sad, and at the same time I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulder"

I said and he nodded rubbing my back, "But then I feel like she wasn't my mother anyway so why should I care but I know my brain is screaming good riddance but my heart is screaming that she is always going to be my mother and I want to cry but I can't and I just don't know what to do.." I said looking up at him.

"First you need to be there for Shannon, then I want you to know that I'm here for you" he said kissing my lips and I nodded when he pulled away.

"Okay.... just hold me right now before I go out there." I said burying my face in his chest as if I could just hide there.

"I got you babe" he said holding on tighter


I straightened my tie and was getting ready for this shit.

"Why do we have to go I don't know if you notice but I don't care fa the bitch especially about how she treated Alecie " Julian ranted and Marie just sat beside him with her head on his shoulder.

"Yeah but she was still Shannon's mother and he took you guys in plus she is kind of still Alecie's mother go to support them" Monique she and helped me fix my tie.

"Right...." I said and lifted my neck while she tied it. She smiled and finished it off smoothing down my collar.

I don't know what it is but there is nothing sexier than a woman tying your tie! Even under these circumstances, Monique gave me a weird look.

"What?" she said and stepped back, I just shook my head and walked over to my jacket.

Chris and Alecie walked downstairs both fully dressed and Marie and Monique ran over to Alecie pushing Chris and hugging her.

Chris looked pressed which cause us to laugh a little, "Just push my ass and shit"

He said going to sit by Langston and Julian.

I gave Alecie a look and she nodded indicating she was ready to tell them.

She walked over to me and I hugged her from the side.

"You good?" I said and she nodded.

"Hey Uh guys me and Justin have to tell to something..." She spoke up and everyone looked at us.


I and Marie sat down as Alecie and Justin explained the truth about what was going on and I was a little shocked.

I mean I don't know everything about Alecie but over the last couple of months she has become a best friend of mine and I know this shit is huge.

"So let me get this straight.... You and Justin have the same mother and she gave Justin up to be with Terrence who later had Alecie and he took you from her and raised you as Kimberly' child and you guys got a DNA test and it turns out to be true? " Julian said confirming.

Justin looked and Alecie and she nodded, "Yup pretty much" she said.

The tension was thick in the room and Alecie refused to look at Marie and its good she didn't because she was pissed.

"And you kept this from me because..." Marie said.

"Because I didn't want you to know till I was ready not only me but Justin too..." Alecie said.

"Right and I guess letting me know what has been going on ahead of time was too much even though you tell me everything!" Marie said.

"Yes but I didn't this time so chill the fuck out shit! I'm so sick of having to explain every damn thing I say or do damn! Shit I don't want to talk about it anymore so let the shit go! "Alecie said and stared Marie down.

I swear if they keep this up one of them is going to jump across the table and a fight will break out

"Okay ladies let's take a time out, we can talk about this after the funeral. There no need to argue "I said and they both look at me and then back at one another before rolling their eyes at the same time and mumbling a whatever.

If tension was thick I would have laughed at these hoes cause they are like sister but I swear the argue like they hate each other.

"Okay! Let's get out of here" Monica said as she and Shannon came downstairs with Tristan in her arms.


We all got up and I was instantly at Alecie's side she held my hand and leaned into me as we walked outside. There was limo waiting for us out there and we all piled into it, I sat beside Langston and Monica because Alecie wanted to sit beside Shannon. Tristan crawled in my lap and laid his head in my chest. Alecie and Shannon didn't speak the whole way to the church they just held hands and Alecie placed her head on his shoulder.

Langston and Julian tried to keep the ride light by making jokes and it helped a little Alecie smiled a little and Shannon's lips twitched but that changed when we pulled up to the church.

We all got out the car and was led inside, where there we're people everywhere hell I didn't even know Shannon had so many relatives and by the way she treated Alecie I was surprise she had friends!

When we got the Uncle Richard came around the corner and he hugged Alecie and Monica then Shannon.

"Hey you guys thanks for coming" he said shaking all our hands.

We all answered with remorseful responses.

"Lady Bug some of the family want to see you" Richard said, Alecie looked at Shannon and he nodded.

"Why don't you guys go have a seat we'll be back" Shannon said as he walked away.

"So you knew huh?" Julian said as we sat down.

"How you know?" I asked, he gave me a dick look.

"Because we both know that would have been you and Alecie instead of her and Marie arguing..." he said and I shrugged because he was right.

"True but Tell Marie not to give her a hard time she's going through a lot" I said and he nodded. "I'll try but they both stubborn and hell...Once they make their mind you that's it" he said and shook his head.

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