Chapter Eighteen

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Justin P.o.v

She looked at all of us in the eyes and we all agreed, "Promise"

She sighed and then she started to tell us what is going on, "I'm going to give this to you guys straight, Monica isn't my real mother Shannon is my oldest brother and I didn't lose my virginity to Shane. My mother was a horrible person, and when Shannon got the chance he left the house leaving me by myself with her. She hated me I truly believe she hated my ass, because no matter what I did she would beat the shit out of me for it. When I was about six or seven me and Shannon's dad left us leaving us to have to be with her. She got married to this horrible man, his name was Terrence." She shuddered a little from the name and pause a little bit; nobody said anything as she played with her fingers nervously.

"He made me do things that I will never forget till the day I die, he did so many things to me while my mom just watch. He got tired of me eventually and then he started to bring his friends over to have a 'party' with me." she scoffed, "I was only seven years old I stayed in there till I was 12 years old. Until finally I got enough of him, and I call the police they didn't do shit to protect me but I wasn't about to let that shit keep happing to me. So I ran I got away for at least 2 years I lived on the streets, that's how I learn to fight when I turned 14 though he found me, he dragged my ass back home and I swear I'll never forget his face, it held so much rage but lust at the same time and it made me feel fucking disgusting. They didn't let me leave the house for months, and Terrance got tired of his friends he wanted me all to himself. This only made my mom hate me even more because she thought I was taking her man away from her, so when he was finished with me she would beat the shit out of me. When I turned 15 I ran again, this time I went to foster home and not on the streets. I got a restraining order on both him and my mother and I haven't seen them since, After searching and searching I finally found Shannon and I showed up at his doorstep one day and he took one look at me and took me in. Much to Monica's displeasure, she has been making my life a living hell for the past 3 years but hell I'd take her over my mother any day" she said and sat back in her seat, she didn't shed a tear once and I'm not going to lie I grew a little respect for her.

"So.... What do these pictures have to do with anything?" Langston asked after we all began to process what she said.

She sighed, "When we were at the lake Saturday, I got a call and it was him he has been in the house he has pictures of me showering and running he even took my damn gun off my dresser. When I got home he called me and told me that these were something to remember him by, so that's why I'm telling you this because I didn't think it was fair for you not to know what is going on" she said crossing her arms.

"Wow... I though I had problems" Julian mumbled, Alecie let out a humorless chuckle.

"So now what are we going to do?" Chris said finally speaking up, Alecie sat back forward in her seat resting her head in her hands.

"I have no fucking clue, I don't even have my protection on me anymore and it took me forever to get that" she said moving her hair out of her face.

"I know where we can get protection we don't have to worry about that" Langston said, she nodded and sighed.

Her phone rang and she stared at it from her seat, she didn't bother to move and get it she just stared at it.

I got out of my seat and went to answer it, "Hello?" I said.

"Ahh I see she has told you about me huh, it's good to finally put a voice to the face. How are you doing Justin, you still mourning over you parents?" the voice said, I gripped the phone in my hand so hard I thought it would break.

"Look nigga, I don't know who you are but you fucking with the wrong one. I'll kill you with my bare hands and not feel any remorse about it" I snapped, he only laughed at me and that pissed me off even more.

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