Chapter Thirty-One

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Alecie P.o.v

*Friday night*

I'm about to piss my fucking skirt right now, i sat on the bench in the locker room and Mo'nique pulled my hair into a tight ponytail and then she walked to the front of me and painted Justin's jersey number on my face.

She smiled and stood up, "Perfect; it official you're a Devil" she said.

I shook my head, "Oh my god this is a dream come true" I mumbled.

"Who's number are you going to paint on your face?" I said looking in the mirror at myself, "Nobodies"

I looked at her and took the paint from her hand painting Justin's number on her face as well, "There now he has two supporters" I said.

She laughed and stood up dusting her skirt off some and holding her hand out, "Let do this" she said, we walked out the locker room and joined the rest for the girls. We began walking to the field and I could see the lights already, I heard the screaming and I saw the signs. I smiled when I saw Monica with a sign that read 'Go Justin and Alecie' and the boys were sitting there they saw me and waved and Tristan had on a miniature jersey. That had Justin's number on it and he blew me a kiss, I did the same and smile and waved back.

We ran on the side screaming and the fans went crazy when the saw us, I jumped up and down screaming and shit.

When it was time for the boys to come out me and Jahnae went to the side and walked on the field holding the big sign up. The band began to play and soon the player began running on the field, while the other cheerleaders cheered them on.

We walked back to the side and I found Justin, "Justin!" he turned around and walked over to me.

"Good Luck Big Head" he lifted his fist and I connected it with me, "You too" he said and walked back on the field.

Soon the ball was kicking off and that the girls started to cheer, and I had on a big fake smile on my face cheering along with them.

Justin P.o.v

I started to get dressed in my football stuff, it felt good to be back in the uniform again with the pads. The coach came in and gave this big ass speech but I wasn't trying to hear all that, I was ready I've been ready since I my parents died and I gave it all up.

The team did a chant and then we all started walking out the locker room but the coach stopped me, "You going to do great son" he said and walked out.

I followed him and I saw the lights and heard the screaming, we stayed to the side and waited for us to walk on the field.

I saw Alecie and she was looking at the bleachers, I followed her eyes and smiled when I saw Monica had a sign in her hand and she had my number painted on her face. The guys were sitting and they smiled down at Alecie while Tristan and Shannon sat to the side and Tristan blew her a kiss and he was wearing a little jersey with my numbers on it too.

It choked me up because it finally hit me, that no one can replace my parents but those people up there in those bleachers they are my family. The cheerleaders held the sign up and soon everyone started to get hype and then they announced us and we ran through the sign and ran on the field

I looked at the field and took it all in, this is home to me this is what I love to do. I heard my name being call and I looked to see Alecie.

She waved me over and I walked to her, "Good Luck Big Head"

I lifted my fist and she pounded it, "You too"

I turned around and place my helmet on my head and went to the middle of the field and took my spot for the kick off.

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