Chapter 4 The Day It All Began Part 4

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Stella Pov
I was with my sister and all of a sudden I felt dizzy but when I woke up I was in a white room and the doctor was saying something to the nurse but I became unconscious again. I was in a dark place where I heard voices some saying come back to me and others saying relax and let yourself rest but I didn't know which one to do. I decided to follow the voices that said come back to me because they sounded so familiar.

Brandon Pov
The doctor said I have good news and bad news which would you prefer first.

Brandon:I would like to know the bad news first.
Doctor:Your wife has slip into a coma and if she doesn't recover by tomorrow we would have no choose but to perform a c-section so that the twin can live and even so their might be complications.
Brandon:And the good news
Doctor:The twin is fine and their is a high possibility that both the twin and mother would suffer but only if she is able to respond.
I nod my head and ask to see my wife and the doctor showed Sasha and I to her room. When I saw her hooked up on the machines I felt like crying but Sasha beat me to it and I was trying to console her. We spent the night hoping for a sign but we didn't any. I begged her to come back to me and at that moment I saw her finger moved. I looked at her face and saw her beautiful eyes looking at me with a sparkle in them and I called the doctor. The doctor said to me that she will need some rest and I shoke my head understanding what the doctor said. I heard Sasha telling someone to get out I ran to the room and saw Sasha on the ground and Mike telling Stella that soon he would have what he wants and when he does no one can stop him. I looked at her in confusion and he left the room and when he did I asked her what it is that he wants and she said to me "he wants.................................."

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