Chapter 26 The Talk

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Serena Pov
I came home from class and I saw Shawn sitting on the couch waiting for me. I went to sit next to him and he gave me a serious look so I was curious and afraid of what it could be.

How was your day?
It was okay. So what's up?
Nothing it is just that I think we need to talk.
Talk? Talk about what?
We need to set some rules for our relationship.
You know I was thinking the same.
Good because I have some paperwork that needs your signature on it but if there is something you don't agree with we and take it of the list.

I was handed a sheet of paper that had the following written:

Rules For Our Relationship
1. Do not go out anywhere without letting your partner know.
2. Give your partner your password for your phone.
3. Do not lie to your partner.
4. When coming home late let your partner know.
5. If you have to leave leave your partner a note or a text.
6. Do not keep secrets from your partner.
7. Give your partner at least 4 kisses each day.
8. Let your partner know when something is wrong.
9. If someone hits on you let your partner know.
10. Do not associate with people your partner do not trust.

Sign Below Please
Shawn Johnson
Serena Smith

The only reason was because he would also follow the rules but rules kinda ruins a relationship. I kissed Shawn and he asked what it was for and I said I did it because I felt like doing it. Shawn had been acting very weird lately since the accident with Shane but he wouldn't tell me why.

Hey Shawn why have you been acting weird lately?
I don't know what you're talking about.
You just broke rules No.3 and No.8
It is just that I would hate it if anyone that I love or came for gets place in the hospital I want that they are safe.
Well don't worry I won't ever leave you because leaving you would be the death of me. I love you.
I love you too babe.

I took a shower and got something to eat then I watched some TV until it was 6pm. I ate my dinner, put on my pajamas, brush my teeth and went to sleep.

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