Chapter 46 Gone For 4 Years

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Shane Pov
When I woke up the next morning i went straight home bought the jewellery set and wrote the letter and paced it on Selena's bed. I then went to my apartment and started to unpacked. I fell asleep after I had finished unpacking. When I awoke I heard a knock on the door thinking it was Selena I jumped up but it was Serena with something in her hand and she said it's from Selena. I opened it.

Dear Shane
Yes Serena knows and she's okay with it and I forgive you but I will still leave you can't stop me. It is nice to know that you never or will stop loving me. I never or will stop loving you either. Thanks for the gift I will treasure it dearly. I wont be back until 4 years are gone. I promise to keep in touch.

Yours Truly

I was happy and at the same time sad. She still loves me and she forgives me happy but she won't be back till 4 years after and she left sad. I will always miss her alot. I went to my room and fall asleep.

Serena Pov
After I gave Shane the letter I went back to my place and started to cry because I won't see my sister for 4 years. Shawn saw me crying and he comforted me but I know Selena wa slides sister to him so I don't blame it if he cries. I wonder how Shae and the others are doing after finding out the news. I heard a knock on the door and it was Shae and she was crying worse than me so I wonder what else could have happened.

Hey Shae what's wrong

I have always been honest with Josh. I always tell him if I did something that would bring danger to our relationship but I went to the beach yesterday and I met one of his old friends and he told me that Josh had a girl while we were together. Josh never told me that and don't know what to do.

It's gonna be okay.

Why are you crying?

Selena is gone and isn't coming back until 4 years are gone.

Nooooooooooooooooooo it can't be true

Yes it is

I need a place to stay can I stay with you

Of course.

When she came in we cried and eat ice cream until we went to sleep.

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