Chapter 40 The Truth Is Revealed

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Serena Pov
After I saw Shawn with some girl who was trying to kiss him I got so furious that when he came towards me I slapped both of them and I went home with him trying to talk to me. When I reached the beach because I promised to take a picture of the sunset for my art teacher so I could paint for next class. I saw Shawn trying to catch up with me and I stood there while taking my picture and when I thought he was still far behind I felt something around my waist. I looked behind me and saw Shawn with a smile on his face and I glared at him.

Can I explain what you saw now?

It better be a good explanation.

Well the girl who was trying to kiss me was actually one of my exes who is obsessed with me and when I broke her heart she said she would never forget mend she would fine me. That was why you saw me running she's crazy.

What about Shane?

Well actually that girl he was with is actually someone who he met a few days before your parents died and her mother thought he was the perfect match and when Selena moved in with him he found out that her parents had arranged for him to be married to her when he finished college but our parents denied it so whenever he is in a relationship she tries to tear the him and the girl apart.

That's awful. When Selena saw him with her she had a face expression which she normally has on when she thinks that if she stayed in the relationship she will be filled with nothing but heartbreak.

With that said we went back apartment to find Selena. She was totally okay and guess what else happened she and Shane was kissing. I was wondering what we missed, that was when she explain to us that she knew about that girl but she used the word heifer. She then heard the door rang and she came in with a box addressed to Shane but she said it was for her so I went with her alone. She opened the box and read the letter inside it.

Dear Shane
I know what you are wondering about now. Is Stacy pregnant. Well Shane I am not pregnant and I really want to know if you told your girlfriend Selena that Jason is someone you hired years ago to do your dirty work and that Jason is actually your cousin. Well if not I kinda feel sorry for you because Jason is going to break out of prison soon and he will come for you. After all you did steal his play toy, snitch on him and you ditched him. I realized something else, my dear cousin who I slept with while you were drunk, I realized that you are going to pay for what you did and I can't help you. I am truly sorry that you have to suffer really I am but I warned you to not go near Jason cousin or not but you didn't listen so I am glad that you get what you deserves. I will always remember you no matter what. I also found out that you have been treating Selena bad so that will make Jason even more angry and I heard that you are the only one who made Jason this mad. Talk to you later. BYE
Yours Truly

When Selena finished read the letter she was very furious. She went out of the room, give Shane the letter and was about to kill or beat him real bad.

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