Chapter 5 The Day It All Began Part 5

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When Brandon asked me "what does Mike want" I had no choice but to tell him. "He wants the twins to die and he wants me to suffer." I then had felt a wetness going down my legs and that was when I shouted for the doctor. The doctor ordered everyone except for Brandon to leave because I was going into labour.


I was holding two beautiful baby girls while Brandon was still unconscious. They both had fair skin with brown eyes and black hair. I named the first born Selena and the second born Serena and that was when I saw Brandon looking at the twins in awe. Sasha had come in followed by a sleepy Alex and Ally but when they saw the twin the just kept saying that they were so cute and precious. I looked at Brandon and he said that he would wait till everyone is gone so I decided to wait. The doctor said that I can go home in the tomorrow then the nurse came to put the twin in the nursery. Brandon said that he told the nurse, doctor and receptionist not to let anyone in here only the ones in the pictures I gave him so I'm perfectly safe. I fell asleep when everyone left until I heard the door and a guy who dressed like a doctor came in and sit down right next to me. I asked him what does he want and he said to me that he just wanted to see how I was doing and if I could remember him. I looked at his face but no matter what I still couldn't remember but when I saw the name tag Erick Maxwell I then remembered that he was Mike's cousin but didn't like Mike. I told him that it was nice to see you again. He smiled and said that he and Mike have gotten along with each other quite well then I saw him pull out a gun and put it to my head. Brandon came in and pushed him away from me, the both of them struggled for the gun. I couldn't tell who would live or who will die and while I was thinking I heard the gun fired.

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