Chapter 60 Recovering

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Selena Pov
It has been 3 days since I last heard about Shane's condition. I saw a doctor and he said that Shane was awake and asking for me. I went straight there and saw Shane looking at the window.

Hey Shane

Hey. How are you doing?

I'm holding up.

I hugged him and started to cry.

Hey why are you crying?

I thought I lost you.

Why I'm still here.

It's my fault that you're in the hospital. If I never came back then Rick would never done this.

It's not your fault and how did ya know that it was Rick.

I saw him before I blacked out.

That bastard! I'mma kill him when I am released from here.

When are you being released?

The doctor said that I should be out of here by tomorrow.

That's good after all we have 4 more days until the wedding.

He smiled at me and then he kissed me. I took a chair and placed it right next to his bed. I got a phone call from Shawn.

Hey Shawn.

How is Shane? How are you? When are y'all coming home?

He's okay. I'm okay. We're coming back tomorrow. How's everyone.

Alive and breathing. Serena's worried sick.

Well now you can let her know everything's okay.

Oh and when you do come out of the hospital please make your way to your apartment for 6pm. Thanks and bye.


I hung up and looked at Shane and he was asleep. So I took this chance to go and get something to drink and eat and when I came back he was drawing a picture. I looked at the picture and saw me wearing a white dress and him in a tux kissing. He could draw quite well and he was very happy about something. That was when I saw a little box in my chair. I opened it and found a pair of diamond earrings, now I was wondering where he got them from.

How did ya put that there?

I didn't put that there. When I woke up it was there.

I then found a piece of paper that says "How was the accident?😈 I took the earrings and put them in the trash. Shane looked at me confused and asked me who it was from and I showed him the piece of paper but Shane wasn't surprise he was pissed. It was now 6pm and Shane needed to sleep so I was about to leave when Shane grabbed me and put me to lay down next to him on the bed. I got comfortable and went sleep.

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