Chapter 21 Forgive and Forget

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Selena Pov
I cried even more than before and my heart ached even more. Everything was happening fast with my life and how much I had suffered in my past that no one knows about eccept for Serena and Shae. Before I went sleep last night me Serena and Shae were talking about I should talk to him and if anything forgive and forget. I planned on doing it and looked what happened he breaks my heart again over and over like if there is no end to my pain. Forgive and Forget is never gonna happen unless a miracle is provided. I need to move on and not study the past but it always seems to study me. The bell rung for next period and I left to attend my class. My teacher walks in and says to everyone. Class we have a new student and his name is Jason Jones and he will be in your class.
When I heard that name I froze and Shae got super angry while Shane looks at me puzzled because I had tears in my eyes remembering the past and what he did. He kept looking at me with a grin and then the teacher said Jason why don't you take the seat left of Selena since I have been told you know her from high school I think it is best that you sit next to her.
When he sat down he looked at me and said it is nice to see you again but don't think you could run forever. I waited for the bell to ring but sadly it didn't so I had to deal with him for another hour and then I must go straight home before I get caught by that bastard. I was copying notes from the board when all of a sudden I got a text message from him saying we need to talk meet me in the cafe after class. I responded with gotta go somewhere and he said that he will pay a visit later tonight but I texted have to go to a sleepover but sadly he said that if I don't stay home he will hurt everyone I love so I guess I have a visitor. When the bell rang I drove home call and fill in Serena about what's been happening and then I heard a knock on my door. I opened it and was kissed on my lips so I assumed it was Jason and I bit down on their lips and when I looked to see who it was and I saw Shane. Shane looked at me with a what the hell expression and I gave him a don't blame me we ain't together expression. He then invited himself in and then we had 'the talk about us.'
(Serena And Shane)
Hey can we talk?
Whatcha want
I really want you to know what really happened.
You made out with her at college remember and I bet you were yourself
That's where you are wrong because this is what really happened the first time when you caught her in our bed at our place she drug me when she said she would get some drinks from the fridge and at college she made me drunk at lunch and that was when I did that but if I was myself I would be committing suicide for leaving one of the most important person to me who is right after my mother. I still love you and will always love you.
I still love you too and I will always love you so I guess that we are back together.
Now I can ask you this question
Oh oh
What is Jason to you and what did he do to you?
Jason is my ex and he did something horrible to me.

Flashback begins
I was about 16 and Jason and I were together for about 9 months, he told me how much he loved me and he was coming over to my place that I had rented during the summer vacation. I had on a short blue jeans and a pink belly out. I went to the door and saw Jason standing there and he pushed me onto my bed and he raped me then the next couple of weeks he started cheating on me with every girl that would sleep with or kiss him. Suddenly he came back and tried to rape me again but I already packed my things and had left. Ever since then I would run away from him.
Flashback ends

I am so sorry Serena I didn't know but I would never treat you that way and no matter what I will protect you from him.
Thank you for everything that is one of the reasons I love you.

We kissed and then the door opened revealing only one person.

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