Chapter 56 Love Overcomes

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Selena Pov
Today is the time that me and Shane will be going on a date as a unmarried couple. I got up took a shower and decided to wear a black jeans with a red shirt and a black waist high jacket with a pair of black boots. Yes I am taking my motorcycle. I went to meet Shane at the park for a picnic and he was taking everything in his car. I went passed a man who looked familiar but I shook it off and concentrated on the road. When I got there I saw Shane looking at me with a can't you act like a normal girl expression. I got off my motorcycle and went to Shane and kissed him. We went to our spot which was under a cherry blossom tree and he had everything sort out.

Why can't you act like a normal girl who drives a car a card wear a skirt or a dress to a picnic.

Well it's not my fault that I grew up around lots and lots of boys.

I looked at the sky and I put on a pair of shades and relaxed and Shane did the same that was until someone interrupted us.

Long time no see Selena.

And you are?

He is a guy from where my parents lives. He went college with me.

Yes but I also confessed to you and you turned me down as soon as you found out who my dad and my dad's cousin were.

Even my sister would once she found out you are the son of Erick Maxwell and the cousin of Mike Naughton.

Shane looked at me shocked since all of my friends knew about my parents past.

What does that have to do with me confessing?


I did some digging and found out that my dad and cousin tried to kill your parents as well as you. I promise that once I found you I would make you mine and live peacefully with you and our kids.

In your dreams and I am engaged so please do leave and save us the trouble.

I can't do that.

Dude just leave.

I can't do that.


Because I love you Selena and I always get what I want.

Well you can't get me because I am taken and not interested in you.

Oh Selena it didn't seem so at the dance when you kissed me.


I looked at Shane and I ran to my bike and drove off. I went to Shae's place and begged her to let me stay for now. I watched TV and talked to her about what happened and she looked at me with a girl you fa real look. Then as it became 5pm I left and went home and came across a very very pissed Shane.

What did he mean you kissed him at a dance?

Um well um ya see while I was at college overseas the college was having a dance and everyone was supposed to have a partner. I didn't want to go but I couldn't stay home and my teacher said that whoever skip this dance must stay another year but as a substitute teacher. I decided to go and our teacher paired us up and I got stuck with Rick Maxwell. I was forced to go and join a game where if you pick up a card that had red on it you had to kiss the guy you were with and I decided not to play and I went to the bar section and drank a few beers. I didn't know what I was doing the next thing I know was a video post up about me and Rick kissing.

Why didn't you tell me?

I was afraid that you would act like how I did when I thought that you were lying to me.

Why? It wasn't your fault.

So your not mad?

Maybe a little bit since you didn't tell me but it wasn't your fault so I don't se no reason why I should hate you.

I looked at Shane like if he just grew another head but then I remembered how he is so forgiving and understanding. I went to him and kissed him and we went to sleep. Love Overcomes No Matter What It Is If You Truly Love Someone The Problem Will Be Gone After Seeing Both Sides.

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