Chapter 32 He Knows

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Selena Pov
I woke up in sweat. Last night I was almost raped and now I am afraid to see or talk to Shane. I got up, took a shower and decided to wear a red dress with black hearts on it and a pair of black boots. I left my hair down with a few curls, then I put on some red lipstick and I went for my red and black handbag. I was ready to leave while Serena was now getting ready since Shawn is coming over with Shane, so I left earlier than usual. I went inside and sat down in my seat which was now next to Serena and Shae and behind Shane.

The teacher came in and spoke "Today class everyone will have a conversation about their self with the person next to you but if you are in the middle the person behind you so everyone should have a partner. You may begin."

Now I was terrified because I was in the middle. Shae is talking to Josh, Serena is talking to Shawn and I am supposed to talk to Shane who is the person I am trying to avoid and ignore. He turned around and smiled, I took out a book and started to write poems and songs. I only told Serena, Shae, Josh and Shawn about my past, I didn't tell Shane because I'm afraid which is something normal.

Hey Selena why didn't you tell me you were one of the toughest girls in high school and elementary school?
Why didn't you tell me that you were pregnant before?
Why didn't you tell me that you were in a gang?
Why didn't you tell me that you know kong-fu and katate?
Why didn't you tell me that you were in alot of sports?
Why didn't you tell me that your middle name is Gabriella?
Why didn't you tell me that Jason killed your child?
Why didn't you tell me your likes likes or dislikes?
Why didn't you tell me that you used to smoke and drink?
Why didn't you tell me that your birthday is February 28th?
Why didn't you tell me when you came home with scars?
Why did you keep all of this from me?

When Shane was done asking me these questions I was crying and Shae,Serena,Josh and Shawn looked at me with sympathy. I asked the teacher to be excused and I drove home and cried myself to sleep. When I awoke I saw Shane looking at me with a answer my questions look on his face. I got up took my mp3 player and put on headphones and started to listen to Secrets by One Republic. I started to cry even more and I couldn't control my emotions after all he knows everything and I almost got raped and that wouldn't of happened if I was the old me. Then I realized that Shane was comforting me which caused me to cry even more. Everything I tried to keep away from him, he knows. And it's Valentine's Day.

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