Chapter 31 The Dance Part 3

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{Shane, Shawn}
Shane Pov
I was looking for Selena after leaving her to go for drinks and I saw no one. Serena hasn't seen her since the moment we went to sit at our seat but then I heard a group of girls saying they feel sorry for Selena because they saw her being forced out of the room by some stranger. I ran out of the room hoping that Selena was okay. I heard screaming that sounded like her but Sabrina came out of no where and she tried to hit on me but I pushed passed her. I finally reached the room opened the door and saw Selena about to be raped by Chuck Morris. I got furious and started to attack him, about 10 minutes later I was torn apart by my brother and when I looked at Selena she was terrified and traumatized. Traumatized because she almost got raped and terrified because she couldn't believe what just happened. When I looked at Chuck Morris he was barely alive, unconscious, bleeding and barely breathing. Serena took her home and I went outside and talked to my brother.

You do know that out of Selena and Serena Selena is the only one with problems.

Dude you grew up with her and you dated her and I know more about her than you do.

Well do tell me what you know about her.

Well her name is Selena Gabriella Smith, she is the oldest, she loves her friends and family, her favourite colours are red and black, her birthday is February 27th, she was on the kickboxing team, swimming team, volleyball team, basketball team and the netball team, she know kung-fu and karate, she was a black belt, she was one of the toughest girls to fight or even date but then all of that change when Jason stepped into the picture, she decided not to be the old Selena and that is what she meant by paradise,she loves puppies and kittens, she hates it when people tries to rule her life, she was a gangster. She kept all of this from you when she moved in with you that is why she came home with lots of scars and whatever. She got pregnant when Jason raped her so that is why she is distant when it comes to certain people. She was going to love the child but when Jason found out he stabbed her in the gut and the baby died, she doesn't hate you or anything but she hates it when you lie, cheat, or does anything that would ruin a relationship or if you forgot something special to her she would hate you, she used to smoke and drink being the gangster she was and that is just the basics.

Are you her sister's boyfriend or her mother in disguise?

Dude I'm a man so it is the first one

Serena told you all of this didn't she?

No Selena did the first time I met her.

Whatcha know about Serena?

They are actually the same except her name is Serena Gabrielle Smith, she is the youngest, her favourite colours are purple and black, she didn't get raped or got pregnant or nothing like that the reason that she changed is because when she was in the gang she watched her best friend die and it was heartbreaking then she watched her cousin die and she swore to never relive the past again but everything else is the same. You need to know your girl better.

Thanks a lot bro.

We went home and fell asleep

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