Chapter 50 Yes Part 1

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Shae Pov
I woke up to a loud noise but since it was romantic music I let it slide. At first I thought it was my neighbours but it turned out to be Josh and I was shocked since he hated that kind of music. I got up and I put my robe on and I headed out to the living room. I saw Josh with a plate of pancakes and a glass of juice. He greeted me with a kiss on the cheek and he said good morning breakfast is served. Now I thought it was sweet but at the same time he was acting weird. I ate my breakfast and then I went to take a shower and I decided to wear a black jeans with a red shirt with I'm Taken in black with a pair of sandals and a red and black handbag. I went out for a walk and ended up meeting Selena, Thea and Serena. We ended up window shopping and I bought a few things while the others bought alot. We went to eat and then we just continue to talk and walk. We were talking about how we found dresses that we like in one store and how it was very interesting. It was now 4:30pm and I headed home.

Hey babe how was your walk?

It was interesting. How was things here?

Okay I guess.

Are you going somewhere?

Yeah just do me a favour.


Be ready for 8pm we are going out and wear something fancy and sexy.

Okay what to tell me wher-


And then he left I watched TV and I took a nap which lasted for 2 hours and 25 minutes thanks to the phone.


Hey Shae do you have to go out at 8pm?

Yeah why?

So does Serena Selena and Myself.

This day couldn't get any weirder now can it. I wonder what are they planning. Anyways I gotta get ready.

Me too



I got up, took a shower and decided one of the things I bought today. So I was wearing a purple dress that had hugged my curves perfectly fine, it had a split at the side and it had a few sparkles in it. I put on light pink eyeshadow so it looked like it was just sparkles with pink lipstick. I was wearing a pair of purple heart shaped earrings with a matching necklace and purple heels. I had my hair left down with a few curls. I took a purple purse and I waited for 5 minutes until Josh came wearing a tuxedo and it had a purple inside shirt so we were matching. He took me to a limo and we ended up by one of the most expensive but fancy restaurant. I was about to say something but Josh cut me off and said " Tonight you look beautiful." I started to blush and he smiled. We went inside and we were taken to our table. We ordered and we ate so I thought we were done but we had to get dessert. The waiter brought in a big slice of red velvet cake and we ate it. The musicians started to play soft romantic music and then when I looked at Josh he was on one knee.

Shae I have loved you from high school and we had issues but no matter what you never left my side. You have always been there for me so can I please be there for you for the rest of your life because without you I would not exist you make me feel special and I would love it so much if you could be with me for the rest of my life.

He took the ring out and asked me

Shae would you marry me?

Yes Josh I will marry you.

I was in tears as he slipped the ring on my finger. He then got up and kissed me and everyone was clapping. We left the room and went home and guess what time it was, it was 10pm. When we reached the bedroom I felt so happy and I smiled and kissed him. We fell asleep next to each other holding hands.

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