Chapter 62 Good News

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Selena Pov
I woke up at 7am and took a shower. I decided to wear a black jeans with a red strapless shirt and red heels. I left my hair down and I turned in the TV to see the beginning of the news.
Last night Rick Maxwell was arrested for sexual harassment as he was caught by our undercover agent harassing Selena Smith at her welcome back party but not sexually and he was caught by an officer as he was sexually harassing Selena's cousin Sabrina who may I add was brutally injured and is currently at the hospital in the ER. Rick was sent to the same prison as his cousin Mike Naughton. Today weather will be sunny and breezy.
I was so happy to hear such news but who was the undercover agent for the news. Then it hit me there was a girl who I thought was Serena's friend I guess it was her. I took my red and black handbag and was about to leave when I felt to hands around my waist. The phone rang.


Hey are you still coming back here.

Yes I'm on my way.

Don't forget we have to meet with Thea at the mall at 3pm since she's out with her little sister.

Okay bye.

I hung up and Shane gave me a confusing look but I told him that I need to go and he smiled and said okay. I was also going to meet someone who will soon be my family for breakfast. I left and went to the Delight Café and I got there at 8:30am so I had to wait 15 minutes for her since we were supposed to meet at 8:45am. After waiting for 15 minutes, she came and was looking quite beautiful. I saw my dear sister-in-law, Shawna. She is 22 years old and her name is close to Shawn's because her birthday was actually the day after his when he was 2 and she has the same face features as Shawn except the fact her hair was to the middle of her back and her face was smooth and not hard. She was wearing a blue denim jeans with a pink and baby blue strapless shirt with sandals. She had her hair in curls and she had a pink and blue handbag. We were meeting up because we wanted to spend time with each other before the wedding.

Hey Selena!

Hey Shawna! How you?

I'm good. What about you? How you holding up with Shane?

I'm good, everything is nice and okay.

I heard about Rick and I'm sorry I wasn't there to kill him.

It's okay really I'm just glad that he's locked up.

So I was wondering if I could buy you a little something for the wedding you know that will be for you and only you could see.

Umm okay I guess.

Great! I am so happy that my childhood friend will marry my brother in 2 days.

Wait you said childhood friend but I never met you while I was a child.

You are unreal when we used to go to the same high school and elementary school. I was the girl that kept 'nagging' you.

No way! Long time no see! What have you been up to?

Nothing much just dating Dario and working for the news.

So it was you that was the undercover agent.

Guilty! Anyways I was thinking about eating and get going to my 10am appointment.

We ordered pancakes and some juice and we ate and drank. Then Shawna left and I went to meet up with the girls. After shopping and getting reacquainted with my room at the mansion I got tired and listened to music until I laid down and went sleep peacefully in my pajamas.

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