Chapter 16 The Unexpected Visitor Part 2

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(This is Selena. This is Sasha. This is Serena.  This is both twins.)

Selena Pov

I opened the door and saw my aunt Sasha who I haven't heard from since I was 12

Why are you here?
I haven't seen y'all since you were 12 is it wrong to visit my favorite twin.
Why now after 7 years?
Well I heard the news that y'all passed for the highest college and I wanted to surprise y'all. Is that wrong too?
What really got you here?
Can I please come in?

When Serena saw her she was about to explode until I give her the look which says explode and I'll beat the crap out of you. Luckily for us the boys weren't here and she didn't know we had bfs now.

Please have a seat.
Now why are you here.
I came to inform you that I have been lying to y'all for quite some time now.
I have not been 100% honest but your parents are alive and well.
How could that be we saw their bodies.
Well those were our two employees that we hired because someone was after us and we dressed them up to be y'all parents to make them stop interfering us and we waited 4 years and decided to tell both of you when it was near your birthday.
Okay but I want my mom and my dad to be here I want to hold my parents and be in contact with them you know how hard it had been on us but we still made it out because of our friends and I need to tell them something very important. I thought they had died and left me all alone I didn't even know I had a twin sister until a few months ago and now this. This is way to much for me to take in.
I am sorry Selena but they wanted me to tell you that they will send both of you something when the time is right.
When the time is right I don't even want to hear about them I just found out I have a twin sister which I never knew about and now they feel that everything is peachy I don't know about my sister but until I could forgive them I don't want to hear anything about them. GOT THAT?
I understand you are both upset but it was not my intention nor theirs to put you through this pain. Yes they agreed to separate you from your sister but I guess they wanted to protect both of you. I again am sorry for your pain goodbye.

Right after that no one was in the mood so we went our separate ways told the guys what had happened they comfort us and try to calm us down mainly Serena but what do you expect since you found out a few months ago that you have a twin sister and now you find out that your parent had been alive all that time not reaching out or contacting you or anything, making you think they are dead only to hear they are alive it is good news, bad news, upsetting news, disturbing news and it makes you angry but that or something similar would happen in life. I decided to go to my room and decided to just sleep on this matter but when I came in I saw a letter and a box on my bed so I went to Shane's room and saw something that was unbelievable.

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