Chapter 9 The Day It All Began Part 9

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Brandon Pov
While I was thinking I decided to call Stella and find out how things are.
(Bold is Brandon and italics is Stella normal is what they're thinking.)

Hi how are you and Serena
We are fine what about you and Selena
We're good so what has been happening over there
Nothing really just weird and unusual things
Even though I know the truth I thought.
Nothing just people going work coming home tired and so on
And that is weird and unusual?
No not really
I can't hold it in any longer he would find out eventually Stella thought
So what have you been up to?
Well I need to confess to you about something please listen and don't get mad okay?
Okay what?
Well you see sometime ago while you were gone Mike has become nicer and more friendlier so he said he was leaving but because of the cops anyways he said he had one thing to do before he left and well ummm he umm
He kissed you.
Yes how did you know?
I have sources but don't worry I am not mad it is not like if you kissed him back or have feelings for him right.
Well I did kiss him back and maybe I have a little bit of feelings for him but it is only because your not here.
I felt so bad and angry at the same time.
Anyways I have to go and don't worry I won't call you until the twins are at least 12.
Well if that's what you want b-but d-don't blame me bye.

After that she hung up I could of tell she was sad and was crying at the moment but I couldn't do anything about it. I went and grabbed a few snacks and drinks from the fridge and spend 4 years moping and wishing to call her but I knew I couldn't.

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