Chapter 29 The Dance Part 1

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Serena Pov
I was so excited that Shawn asked me to the dance that when he did I gave him passionate kiss and he smiled at me and told me to get Selena and go straight to our apartment which is a 2 hour drive from college. I was currently at the apartment trying to wake up Selena, I tried throwing water on her, blocking her mouth and nose, screaming in her ears and now I am going to trick her because she might be pretending.

Oh Selena, Shane is here for you
Nothing happened
Well Shane I guess she doesn't want to see you so come back later.

She decided to wake up as soon as I shut the door. I looked at her like you for real.

Where is Shane?
Finally you're awake. Was that the only way to wake you up.
I was up I just wanted to see how frustrated you would be.

I started to chase her with a knife which I got from the kitchen but the doorbell saved her. I opened the door and saw Sabrina and she looked terrible so I invited her in what better way to kill her.

Whatcha want

I need y'all help

What the hell do you want our help for

Well for starters I was never pregnant and I really need to get back home but I spent my money on clothes.

Where are you going

To Hawaii

Well here and goodbye

She left and Selena said she felt very sorry for Chuck Morris since he was able to go to the dance without a date. I still had this feeling like if something bad was going to happen. It was now 9am and I was real bored so I decided to go shopping with Selena and we were leaving about 9:45am. I took a shower and both me and Selena wore a pair of black jeans with a hot pink inside shirt and a black jacket with a pair of black and pink boots. We put on a black and pink skull necklace with matching earrings. We took our black motorcycles and headed to town. We went to our favourite mall and saw Shae and she was also shopping for dresses. We went in a store and a saw a dress that I just love and and tried it on and it fitted me perfectly so I bought it with matching shoes and accessories. Selena saw a dress and she bought it with matching shoes and accessories so did Shae.

We got ready and saw the boys waiting outside with

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