Might Need a Bodybag

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Barry was, once again, obssessed with becoming faster. Every day for several weeks since the time he and Parker married, he forced the team together, brainstorming ideas on ways to test Barry's speed other than the treadmill.

When they finally found a way, it brought the team, minus Jesse, to the nearest dam. Caitlin, Harry, and Cisco arrived in the early morning to set up the tent before Barry arrived. Parker spent the time hyping him up for the jump.

"We're ready for you," said Cisco. "Although, if we're being entirely honest, I don't know if you're ready for this."

Confused, Barry grabbed Parker in his arms, she inhaled, then he sprinted to the dam on the outskirts of the city. He came to a stop at the edge of a cliff, where Cisco was already standing, shaking his hooded head in shame.

"Oh, my God," breathed Barry.

"It didn't look this deep on the map," defended Cisco.

"That's 'cause maps are flat. This is, like, a thousand feet deep!"

"Well, you wanted to get faster. Maybe plummeting to your death is the motivation you need," said Cisco jokingly. He retreated to the tent to grab a hand held device.

"What is that for?" asked Parker, zipping her coat up farther.

"My drone machine! In case Barry fails to make the leap. Which, I have to say, I can definietly see happening, now that we're here," said Cisco.

"Thanks," muttered Barry.

"So," cut in Harry, flipping through a notepad. "To reach escape velocity, you're going to have to go..." he paused to show Parker and Barry the page. "...that fast."

"That fast is impossible, I can promise you that," he said immediately.

"Ah, ah, ah. 'Nothing in life is promised except death,'" quoted Harry as an insightful encouragement.

"Edgar Allen Poe?" guessed Barry.

"Kanye West."

Barry's shoulders slouched. He looked out over the dam once again, containing the same look of minor terror he had wore since he arrived.

Parker rested a hand on his abdomen. "Barry, what happen to the cocky little attitude you had this morning?"

"Different situation," he said. He sighed. "Easier."

"Are you calling me easy?" she teased.

Barry rolled his eyes. "As much fun as it was, I got here and your, uh, motivation went out the window," he said.

"Did y'all fuck?" yelled Cisco.

"Yes!" called Parker back.

He ran over to shake their hands. "I'm proud of you two, making Parry babies already. Gorgeous. Phenomenal. I assume you don't have a godfather in mind? Because me, party of one, great with kids, and your best friend, well, I am free," he rambled.

"We're not trying," shot down Barry.

"It's understandable," assured Caitlin. "With Parker's... fate in mind and all."

"Back to the situation at hand," said Parker loudly.

"If it makes you feel any better, Evil Kinivel cleared a line of cars that was twice this long, and he didn't even have superpowers. Unless you count that sweet ass ride," said Cisco in awe.

"Do you hear yourself?" asked Barry.

"Look, you're going to be fine. I'm eighty percent sure of it," Cisco paused. "Eh, seventy-six. Like, a strong seventy-two. I can't stop, Caitlin, help."

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