S.T.A.R. Labs Issued Ban On Minions

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Parker slouched in her computer chair until Barry returned. "Anything juicy?" she wondered dryly when he slid into the Cortex in a frantic rage.

"He tried to tell me I was just like him," exhaled Barry. His brow was furrowed profusely. Shaking his head, he fell into a seat next to Parker, staring at his knees in utter confusion. 

"I see it," said Parker, squinting at him. 

Barry's head snapped to her. "What?"

"Same background, same desire to be the fastest, blah, blah..."

"T-That's almost exactly what he said, Park, how did you...?" muttered Barry, then he stopped, "My speaker was on, wasn't it?"

"You know me," agreed Parker. 

"Barry," said Iris softly, "you two are the farthest from similar as two people could get."

His mind wasn't stuck on building his confidence again. He was settled on ending the feud and the fascination with Hunter Zoloman once and for all. "We can't let Zoom destroy another building. We need to take him down now," he said.

"And how do you propose we do that, with an army of meta-human's laying waste to Central City? We couldn't stop Zoom on my Earth. What makes us different?" interrogated Harry. 

"We... We have a Parker," suggested Parker.

"A pregnant Parker," said Harry negatively. 

"Which means she's more generous than usual," offered Cisco.

Parker winced. "Am I, though?"

"We're a team. We start with the meta-human's, they're his armor. We take them down first, then Zoom's more vulnerable," said Barry strategically.

"Barry, we don't even know how many of his minion's there are," doubted Caitlin. 

"Oh, Minions. One thing I refuse to let Mel witness," interrupted Parker.

"Preach," said Cisco with a high-five.

Iris raised her brow at them. "There could be hundreds, a thousand," she said to Barry.

"And all of them, they're all working with different powers," added Cisco.

"It could take weeks to track them all down," said Joe again.

"Remember when we discussed that positivism was a foreign thing on Earth-2? Yes, I believe we're Earth-2 all of a sudden," said Parker, "come on, guys. Where's my normally energetic and encouraging team? We don't have weeks. So, I need you all to think with me."

Cisco looked at Harry. "Told you she's more generous."

"What we need to do is come up with a way to stop them all at once," said Barry.

"Again: how?" asked Harry. 

"Cisco," said Barry, "your goggles, your camera, they didn't work on Earth-2, right?"

"Yeah, it was a whole different frequency," he said.

"And the way you took down the Time Wraith's, that was based on frequency. Hartley's entire shtick..."

Cisco stood, chin tilted in the air with excitement. "I think I'm smelling what you're stepping in."

"Yeah," agreed Harry. 

"Basically, we create some vibrational tech that can take down the Earth-2 meta's," suggested Cisco. 

"Basically," said Barry, grinning.

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