Lady Speedster

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A rather hammered retreat back to the Cortex was thrown into play. Piled in an Uber, Cisco, Parker, Caitlin, and Jesse hollered at the driver to drive as though he was Parker. He looked at the laughing group, awfully confused. 

"Fast and Furious: Tokyo Drift!" clarified Parker.

"My grandchildren adore those movies," smiled the old man.

"Make those grandchildren proud and drive!" laughed Cisco. He then proceeded to scream, smacking Parker's hand from reaching for another bag of chocolate covered almonds. "No, Parker! We do not have extra money for you to be snackin' around!"

"Bite me!" snapped Parker, drowning the bag.

"Does that cost extra?!" asked Caitlin.

"Normally, yes. For the pretty lady, no," flirted the elderly man.

"Married," sang Parker and Cisco.

"As am I. An old man such as myself can't admire?" he asked.

"Not while I'm not searching for a sugar daddy!" shouted Parker as she hopped from the vehicle.

By the time their drunken party reached the Cortex, Barry returned as well. Unsurprisingly, he was empty handed. He had enough time to change out of the suit, place four cups of water on the desk, and lay spare clothes out for each person. Needless to say, it took a while for the party to make it to their destination.

To be entirely honest, it was one hundred percent Parker's fault. After the irritating West-Allen encounter went down, she drowned five shots of tequila before Cisco dragged her from the bar. Any and all of the delays happened because of her.

"Is she--" asked Barry.

"Hammered?" grunted Cisco from underneath her weight. He carried her across his shoulders into the Cortex. "Yes. And through all the angry mumbling, I have gathered that it's your fault."

"Isn't it always?" sighed Barry.

Cisco crouched and rolled Parker's body over his head. She hit the medical bed roughly. He pretended to flex.

Parker clapped her hands. "Attention all ladies, gents, speedsters!" she slurred. "We have a John Cena wannabe in the house, I repeat, we have a future John Cena in the house!"

"Whoa, absolutely not. If I'm being compared to any wrestler, it's gonna be Dwayne 'the Rock' Johnson, okay? Okay," corrected Cisco.

"Back to business," said Caitlin pointedly.

"Where did this speedster even come from?" asked Barry hopelessly.

"I don't know, man. All I know is that blur made sixty smackeroo's off me. Ridiculous," chastised Cisco.

"Maybe it's another one of Zoom's henchmen somehow?" offered Barry.

"The breaches are closed," denied Cisco.

"The only other way to become a speedster is from a Particle Accelerator Explosion," said Barry.

Cisco squinted his eyes, entertaining the thought for a mere second. "Okay, but then why only make yourself known now? You know what I'm saying? We'd have to had seen them in action before."

"I'm not saying it makes sense; I'm just saying that's the only other way to become a speedster," defended Barry.

"Actually, there's another way," mumbled Caitlin. 

"We're going on a road trip?" gasped Parker.

Caitlin did wave her hand, asking for them to follow into the lab next door. Cisco trailed after her automatically. Barry, first, hiked Parker over his shoulder and marched after the two. Caitlin retrieved a vial from a vault. They lingered in the Cortex.

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