He's afraid for you..

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He’s afraid for you..

Liam: You were staying home together doing nothing. He laid on sofa and you laid next to him, cuddling to his side. He was dozing off, drawing sleepy circles to your back. You smiled and pecked his forehead before standing up carefully and walking to kitchen. You sipped juice Liam had left to the counter. A minute later you felt itching in your throat. Your tongue was swelling and you whined. You looked at the juice box. Apple juice. Shit, you thought. You were really allergic to apples. “Liam, Liam…” you tried to wake him up. Your swollen tongue was making your speaking funny. He stirred looking at you and gasped. “What’s going on?” he asked getting up quickly. You pointed apple juice box and dried your watery eye. “Oh my god. This is not good. You’re allergic. What do we do now? Can you breath?Okay I’ll call to hospital and ask. What if you stop breathing?”, he started to hyperventilate. You looked at him almost amused. “Lhm,” you said, trying to say his name. He looked at you shaking. You raised your eyebrow pointing bathroom. “What are you try- RIGHT! Your allergy medication!” he yelled relieved and ran to bathroom finding your medication. After you had your medication, you felt much better. “I lofe you, Liham,” you said with your still little bit swollen tongue. Liam laughed stroking your hair gently, “I love you too, Y/N.”

Niall: You didn’t like the idea of going to Niall’s friend Eoghan’s beach house but you still went. You were scared of water, you didn’t know how to swim, and Niall knew it. “It’s okay, princess,” he whispered with his beautiful accent, “You don’t have to swim if you don’t wanna.” You nodded relieved and stayed safe on your boyfriend’s arms. Later that night, group of Niall’s Irish friends were having fun. You sat next to the pool outside, looking at them and laughed. Niall was inside getting more snacks when one of the boys came to grab your waist. “She hasn’t get her dip yet!” he said and others laughed knowing that it was supposed to be fun. But you didn’t know how to swim… You started to scream but they thought you were just faking. When he splashed to the water, Niall came outside. When he noticed what happened he jumped after you, grabbed you to his arms and carried you back to dry land. You were shaking and crying, but Niall was mad. “What the hell? What did you do to her? She can’t swim! You cunts, she could have drowned!” he yelled. He turned to look at you worried, “Are you okay Y/N? Did you hurt yourself? Why didn’t you yell to me? You can breathe, thank god, you can breathe. You scared the shit out of me…” Niall was panicked. You were scared too. You opened your arms and he held you close not letting you go the whole time. His friends apologized and after all you had a fun vacation.

Louis: Louis didn’t get scared very easily, but since you got pregnant, he was paying extra attention to your safety. He loved to press his hands to your growing baby belly. He loved to talk to the baby. You were laying on your bed looking tv. Louis had just come home from work and he was exhausted. He laid next to you, hands and lips on your belly. “Hi baby, it’s daddy,” he said quietly and trailed his fingers up and down your belly, “How was your day? Did you experience new things there? Did you find another world in your mommy’s uterus? “ Louis chuckled to his own joke. He was getting the baby excited. Every time Louis talked to your belly, the baby started moving around. You yelped when you felt a keen kick on your abdomen. You rubbed the spot on your belly lightly. Louis looked at you panicked. His hands were straight on your belly, “What was that? Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Did the baby hurt you? Did it hurt the baby? Don’t die baby, don’t die Y/N!” he was talking both to you and to your baby. You looked at Louis smiling and raised your eyebrow. He was so pale you thought he’d past out. “Louis…Louis!”, You said smiling, “I’m fine, the baby is fine. It was just a kick!” Louis looked at you confused. “It was just a kick Lou, don’t worry. It didn’t even hurt, I was surprised. That means that the baby is healthy.”Louis looked a bit confused before his face spread to biggest smile you’d ever seen. “Hi baby! You scared daddy! Yes you did! You like pranking don’t you? Just like daddy… Try not to hurt mommy…She’s the most precious thing in the world… And you of course!”

Harry: You were doing laundry in your bathroom. Harry was still at work and you decided to put your headphones on. Listening music so loudly, you couldn’t hear Harry coming in. He stood in empty house wondering why the door was open. He looked around the place, everything was a bit messy, you had been cleaning every drawer in the house. He walked around but he didn’t find you anywhere. “Y/N?” he yelled but you couldn’t hear him past the music, “Y/N?” He was getting panicked when he heard a noise coming from your bathroom. You were doing laundry, but he had no idea. “thieves..,” he said to himself. “Y/N? WHERE ARE YOU?” he yelled trying to get the “thieves” scared. Then an awful thought came across his mind. He gripped the nearest weapon he found, a knife you had left to the table. “Let, Y/N go!” he said raising his voice so loud, you took your earphones off. “Let her go, I said!” Harry said with shaky but strong voice. “Harry?” you asked and walked out to see your boyfriend standing a knife on his hand, “What are you doing?” He gasped looking at your earphones and realized what was going on. He dropped the knife and pulled you to a big hug. “I was scared some thieves had kidnapped you!” he said sniffling. You giggled looking around your apartment. It really was that messy…” I appreciate you tried to save me, love!” you giggled and gave him a sweet kiss.

Zayn: It was storming and you were scared. Zayn was still at studio when thunder shook over your house. You were under your blanket, shivering and scared. You needed Zayn and he knew it. You pressed your head against his pillow and tried to relax to his scent. You were curled up to a ball, knees near your chin, arms around your legs and you waited. You knew he was coming. He always came when it was storming. You listened the thunder rumble over your roof. “He’s coming..,” you whispered to yourself, “He’s coming, relax, Y/N, Zayn is coming…” Your heart was bounding when you got a call from Zayn. “Y/N? Y/N? Do you hear me? It’s thundering and I’m trying to come to home but every road is blocked. Try to breath Y/N, I’m coming. I love you so much! Just keep calm, it’s over soon! I’m so sorry I’m not there… Just think at me! I’m there soon as possible. Stay safe, okay? I love you!” You sniffled when the line went mute and thunder rumbled over again with lightning. You screamed and buried your head back to the pillow. Ten minutes later you heard door open, “Y/N?” You could tell he was running around the house, “Where are you, love?” You didn’t get time to answer before he found you. He gasped loudly and pulled you to his arms. He covered both of you with a blanket. “Now you’re safe, don’t worry,” he said stroking your hair. You snuggled to his chest, relieved he was home, “Thank you.”


Posted by : http://mullingarbum.tumblr.com

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