*Important* & Preference

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So i'll make this quick.. or try to. I've been updating this book quite a bit and its nearing the 200 mark with chapters. Any ideas what I should do? Is a book two needed? God, its a hard decision -.- Also, I feel as though I don't connect with you guys, so maybe leave some comments or whatever. I need to know people are actually reading this book and its not just... here. Last thing: I've been going on Twitter quite a bit recently, and it would mean a LOT if you guys followed me? @SaraahRenee . Thankyou ! As promised, here is a preference! xo


"Say something" - Published by; bringthepaayne

Zayn: "Really?" You shrugged, trying to speak but no sound coming out. "It's gotta be you, babe." You laughed at his reference, him not understanding it as you explained silently to him through the failing Skype call. "Babe- I can't- stop! I can't hear you, babe. Your laptop's shit, I'm tellin' you." You violently shook your head no as you motioned a finger at him, presumably accusing his laptop of the faulty hearing. "Can you test it? Just speak for a bit and fiddle 'round with your settings. I'm telling you it's not mine." He leans back in his chair, slowly raking a hand through his dark hair. He laughs, watching you mumble to yourself while making faces imitating his. You glance up at him with an eyebrow raised, lips moving but no sound. He shakes his head, laughing again as you hastily grabbing a paper and pen and scribbling on it "well why don't you check then, hmm?" He sighs, looking down at his screen when he notices his little speaker symbol has a red slash through it. "Shit." He presses it, shutting his eyes and smiling. "Say something." He cracks one eye open at the sound of your slow clapping, a quirky grin on your face. "Well done, my love. Well done."

Liam: "So?" You ask as you climb down the stairs slowly, your heels echoing across the hardwood floor as you step to reach him. He turns slowly, his eyes meeting yours and dropping down your body, scanning over every little detail. His hand covers his mouth, making it difficult to distinguish his reaction. "Li? What d'you think? Is it too much?" You spin slowly, head tilted down as you gesture to your outfit, your body wrapped nicely in a new dress, the deep red adding a delicious contrast between your skin tone and your perfectly styled hair. "Liam, is this okay? You aren't really saying much." His eyes, you notice, are still stuck on your body, mentally tracing every curve that's he's memorized every night. "Liam, say something. Please." His eyes dart back up to yours, taking a step towards you and pulling you into him with an arm around your waist, the other reaching around the back of your neck. "You look... beautiful," he whispers against your lips, kissing you and resting his forehead against yours.

Harry: "Please, babe." He kneeled in front of your shaking body, resting his hands on your trembling knees. "I need to know you're okay. Please, I- I need to know." You tried saying something, anything, but all that came out were more choked cries. You shut your eyes tighter and ducked your head between your arms, letting out another sob. "Babe, please. Just- can you talk to me?" With a shake of your head and more sobbing, he sighed and moved his hands to yours, clutching onto them as if they were his only connection to you at that moment. "Look, I know it hurts, but please, love. Say something." You slowly shake your head again and begin to move away as your crying gets worse, making his heart wrench and his eyes well up. "Baby..." You let out a quiet whimper, your voice quiet and hoarse from the crying. "She's- she's gone, Harry." You began to hyperventilate from finally saying it, closing back in on yourself before beginning to sob again. He slides across the floor and gathers you up in his arms, letting out a sob of his own and tightening his arms around you. "I know, love. I'm sorry."

Louis: "Oh, come on, sweetheart! You can do it!" You walk past your husband and sit on the couch behind him, watching as you sipped your tea. "Baby girl, give me something to work with!" You laugh at your daughter's wide-eyed expression, her being merely 10 months old and still not a word. "Lou, she's probably not gonna say anything. Maybe even for a while-" "Shh! Come on, say something!" You set your cup down on the coffee table and climb down on your knees to the spot next to him on the floor, taking your daughter and laying her on the ground in front of you, leaning over her tiny frame. "Alright, sweet pea. You better start talking or else we're never gonna hear the end of it from daddy." Louis laughs and swats at your backside earning him an equally deserved swat on the arm before you turn back to your baby. "Can you say 'mama'? 'Ma-ma'?" Her eyes light up when she hears your name, her little fists wrapping around your pinky fingers. "Or you could say 'dada'? That would be nice too, y'know." Louis leans over, kissing you on the cheek and tickling your baby girl, her melodious laughter breaking the silence. "D-da!" You both stop and look at each other, then back to her. "Did she just-" "I think she said-" Her arms wave about and she giggles again. "Da!" Louis picks her up and spins her around, clutching her to his chest gently and peppering kisses all over her giggling face. "Babe, she- she said 'da'! Oh, sweetheart, thank you!"

Niall: "Darlin' c'mon. Ya know I didn't mean any of it." You rolled further away from him, roughly wrapping the blankets around yourself, settling with a huff. "Ya can't be mad at me fer long, I bet." He shifts onto his back, hands behind his head, prepared to ignore you just as you're doing to him. As you start drifting off into sleep, he leans up on his elbows, glancing over at your almost sleeping form before laying a hand on your side and sliding it slowly up and down the curve of your hip. You flinch away, batting at his hand and shucking the covers tighter around you. "C'mon Princess, y'know I take it back. Jus' forgive me, please?" You move to roll further away from his but move too far, beginning to slip off the bed as his arm wraps itself around your waist, pulling you back onto the bed and against his chest. "Say somethin'. Please, Princess, I need t'hear yer voice again." He whispers into the crook of your neck, pressing frantic tickling kisses against your skin and smiling when he hears your laughing protests. "I- fine just- stop please, I just- okay! I forgive you!" You turn in his arms, straddling his waist and kissing the life out of him as the covers slip off both of you, your clothes eventually doing the same.

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