He breaks up with you because of management - PART TWO

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Harry : It’d been a week since you and Harry broke up.  You hadn’t heard a single word from him.  He just seemed to be carrying on with his life as normal, but it was hard for you to do the same.  You’d been kept up in your room for a week crying and feeling sorry for yourself.  Normally you weren’t the kind of person to use twitter as your own personal diary but you wanted to push past your self pity and let everyone know, you were angry about this, so you logged on to twitter and tweeted, "i have one regret in life.  you."  It’d gotten tons of replies asking if it was about Harry.  You were tempted to say “yes” but you figured they already knew.  Three Hours Later. There was a knock on your apartment door so you finally got off your ass and answered it.  You were shocked to see Harry standing in front of you.  ”I got to know,”  He said walking in without asking.  ”do you really regret our relationship?  Harry looked hurt and angry at the same time.  But you were angrier.  What made him think he could march in here like that?  You turned away from him.  ”Tell me.  Honestly, tell me you regret ever being with me.  Look me in the eye and say it.”  He demanded.  ”I regret falling in love you.”  You told him.  You weren’t sure if it was totally true but, he completely ripped your heart in two and it was the worst feeling the world.  Harry opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out.  ”You broke up with me because management wanted you to, as far as I’m concerned, that tells me you never cared about me.  And it hurts, Harry!  If I hadn’t fallen in love with you I wouldn’t be feeling like this.” Tears welled in your eyes.  ”It’s killing me too.  I’m miserable.”  He said.  ”You look just fine to me.”  You turned away from him.  ”I hate sleeping alone every night, I can’t talk to anyone the way I can talk to you, I miss our facetime calls and our twitter banter and I miss kissing you and hugging you.  And I hate knowing your hurting.  I feel like I’m going to throw up just thinking about it.  Management can suck my dick.  I was stupid to ever listen to them.”  Harry came towards you and took your hand.  ”Harry, I’m not just going to get back with you!”  You didn’t mean what you said but you said it anyway.  Harry’s lips crashed into yours, his hands gripped your tightly from the small of your back.  Your hands cupped his face.  It felt so perfect, you forgot all the hurt of the past week.  When you finally pulled away both of you had the biggest smiles on your face.  ”I love you.”  He said.  ”I love you too, Harry.”  

Zayn : Two days after your breakup with Zayn and you were still moping in your apartment.  It was freezing and you were dying for your sweater, but you’d left it at Zayn’s and told him to throw it away.  The only sweater you could find was one of Zayn’s hoodies.  So you stayed cold.  You weren’t going to wear that.  You were making tea when there was a knock at your door.  You looked out the peep hole and saw Zayn.  You just stood there.  You weren’t going to answer it.  ”(Y/N), I know your home.  Let me in, please.”  He called.  ”I have your stuff here.”  He said.  ”Drop the stuff and leave.”  You told him.  ”No, I’m not going until you let me in.”  You walked away from the door, being stubborn, you really wanted to let him in. Zayn began singing Gotta Be You really loud.  Once that was over he moved on to sing The A Team.  And then he sang I Gotta A Feeling. Then he started singing Friday by Rebecca Black.  He sang the whole thing through three times before you got so annoyed you let him in.  ”I knew it would work.”  He laughed a bit.  ”Thank you for my things.  Goodbye.”  You pointed to the door.  ”(Y/N), I can’t do this anymore.”  He said.  ”Do what?”  ”Not be with you.  I stood up to management.  Two days without you was terrible.  I couldn’t take it.  I know I’m stupid and an ass, but please take me back.  Please.”  He looked like he could cry.  ”No.”  You said flatly.  ”I know you better than anyone else and you are just being spiteful.  I hurt you and now you want to hurt me, and I understand that.  But (Y/N), you want to be happy.  And I know we were happy together.”  He looked at you with hopeful eyes.  You stared blankly at him.  ”Fine.  I know your acting like your fine but I know you’re not.  So if you want to be sad and angry be my guest.  But when your ready to forgive me, I’ll be waiting for you.”  He walked to the door.  This was your chance.  You needed to swallow your pride.  You wanted him back more than anything.  ”Wait.” You said.  ”Please don’t go.”  You begged.  Zayn slowly turned around and ran to hug you.  ”I’m so sorry.”  He said.  ”We’re never breaking up again.”  He squeezed you tight and kissed you passionately.  

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