You're Insecure About Your Weight/Stretchmarks

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You’re Insecure About Your Weight/Stretchmarks

Zayn: “Boo get ready we’re over to my mom’s house for dinner,” Zayn says entering your room. You always tried avoided going out because fans started judging you on your weight. You were never the type to handle hate very well so you stayed inside most of the time. “Babe did you hear what I just said?” he asks after getting no response from you. “Ugh yeah I did,” you hesitate to reply. “Don’t you wanna go?” he questioned raising an eyebrow. “No… I mean yes, but they’ll judge me,” you groan. “My fans. They have no right to you judge you babe. They’re just jealous because you have me and I have you.” “But Zayn,” you complain. “Don’t listen to them now get ready because I’m hungry already,” he says giving you a kiss before he got ready.

Liam: “Goodmorning sleepy head,” you say greeting Liam after your morning run. “Morning beautiful,” he replies with a kiss. You made him some pancakes, and eggs with bacon while you only drank some freshly squeezed orange juice. “Aren’t you gonna eat?” “I am,” you say raising you glass of juice. “But that’s just juice, you need to eat food too babe,” he furrows his brows. “That’s enough for me,” you giggle. “No it’s not, I know you’ve been trying to lose weight after what some fans told you. And I don’t agree with it a bit, you don’t need to lose weight you’re perfect the way you are,” he scoots next to you. You stay quiet for a while because you know it’s true, but you won’t admit it. “I love you,” you mumble. “I love you too now come and eats with me babe I can’t finish this all,” he laughs.

Harry: “Babe are you gonna tell me what’s wrong?” you feel him sitting on the couch next to you. You knew he was still there even though he wasn’t talking. “Babe?” he questions again while rubbing your back gently, “What’s wrong I hate to see you like this?” “Why are you with me, when there’s thousands of prettier and skinner girls out there,” you suddenly lift your head. “So, I don’t want any of them I want you and only you,” he gently kisses your forehead. “But I’m fat and ugly,” you reply. “Don’t ever say that again. You’re beautiful, amazing, caring, funny, loving, I could go on forever. You’re not ugly or fat you are just beautiful in every way possible,” he says kissing your forehead. “You really mean it,” you whisper. “I meant it all babe.”

Louis: Liam had invited you, Louis and friends to his birthday party, but you refused to go. “Why not love?” Louis asks you laying down next to you. “Because,” you groan putting a pillow over your face. “Here I’ll pick out your dress,” he says walking into your closet. “This will fit you perfect,” he says walking back with what used to be your favorite dress. Recently you had gained a few pounds and hated how you looked in anything so you again refused to go. “I’m not going,” you growl. “What’s wrong love please tell me,” he places the dress before walking over to you. “I don’t look good in it,” you hesitate to answer. “Nonsense, you are and always will be beautiful to me,” he says kissing you. “I love you.” “I love you too now get ready so we can go have some fun babe.”

Niall: “Are you ready babe?” Niall calls from the bathroom. “No,” you say sitting down on the edge of the bed. You and Niall had planned a day at the beach, but then you saw your stretch marks and decided not to go. “Why not princess, we’ve been planning this for months?” he says kneeling down in front of you. “You can see them?” you say getting up. “See what?” he grabs ahold of you by your hand. “My…stretch marks,” you whispers. “You still look beautiful you know that,” he says wrapping his arms around you. “No I don’t,” you try getting away from his grip but he pulls you closer. “Yes you do, so put on your bathing suit and let’s head to the beach cause I really need a tan,” he chuckles. “But Ni—.” “We’re going and that’s final [Y/N],” he laughs. “Fine you win Horan,” you reply with a kiss.


Posted by malikzapper

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